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7 In home/ ramblings

a home day, at last

Fair Isle vest high-waisted shorts and thigh high socks


Today was the first day I’ve had in ages that I’ve not had to go anywhere, which was quite the novelty!  The odd day just at home by myself is actually quite nice.  As per usual I’ve had loads to do, but made time to pick a really bizarre outfit for a couple of blog pics, naturally.  Including a handknit vest that first appeared on JoliHouse on my 11th birthday.  Sitting on the floor might seem kinda weird but that’s where you’ll find me half the time at home, including now as I type!  The floor or my rocking chair anyway.  Don’t laugh until you’ve had a rock on the chair and don’t want to leave, I promise. 😛


Gappy fringe is driving me mad in these photos!  So annoying when you only realise the gappy fringe or smudged lipstick or flicky collar when you see yourself in mirror or photograph.  After you could’ve sorted it hours ago, dammit.  Another strange observation – I look like I’m in one of those funny rooms that you stand in one end and look like a giant and like a dwarf in the other haha.  You know what I mean?  Think it’s the wide angle lens/slanty roof combo but I promise both my bed and I are normal sized!


I’ve been well and truly slacking lately with fitness so thought it was about time to kick my backside into gear (literally) and get a proper workout done, rather than the kinda half-assed attempts I’ve been doing in the mornings.  The intention’s been there, just not the execution haha.  Not quite sure what’s gone on – maybe my motivation exercise-wise has just drained a little since I wrote this post!  Should take my own advice more shouldn’t I?  I’ve just been extra busy over the last few weeks with dancing, and now catching up on stuff that I got a little behind on due to the show, and I’ve not really been prioritising workouts like I usually do.  Which is fair enough; priorities change!  Seeing as I’ve been so crappy at pushing myself through home workouts and I haven’t really enjoyed my last couple of runs (again, not sure why) I booked myself onto a gym class this morning.  I’ll praise YouTube fitness channels ’til the end but I’ve been doing them for too long I think!  Kinda bored, needed something different!  Since moving house I’m much closer to my local gym too so I jogged there and back.  Was proud of myself for jogging home (only 1km down the road, admittedly) after an hour’s Body Attack class!  I’ve only done Bodypump, abs class and bootcamp before so this was a new one.  Very intense but just what I needed to get back to the grind!


And this is what the rest of my day consisted of.  Well, and food.  Just sorting through all my college stuff and filing it away took a good hour, who knew holepunching could be so time-consuming?  College work has been taken up a notch lately too. Maths is a lottt harder than at the beginning of the year.  We have our EMPA soon in physics and considering I wrote ‘I have no idea’ as one of my answers in the mock one, that’s not great news.  Textiles 5 hour exam is next week and as always loads of work to do for my book, but thankfully I haven’t welded my work to a machine yet this week! And history is just… history, lots and lots of notes and stuff.


My next few months are only gonna get busier with revision and exams, so you might hear a few new guest voices over here. Just to keep the ol’ bloggy ticking over and mix things up a bit!  Quite a bit *wink wink*  Watch this space for a slightly more testosterone-filled take on life!

lily x

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  • Reply
    Molly W
    4th March 2015 at 7:33 pm

    Lily you always look flawless, I LOVE this outfit, it’s so nice and you look stunning!

    • Reply
      lily kate
      7th March 2015 at 5:23 pm

      Thank you so much Molly, you’re too kind!

  • Reply
    Emilia Rachael
    4th March 2015 at 8:32 pm

    Lily, you look stunning as always! I know you said you haven’t been working out but surely dancing can count as working out?! I have a couple of friends who non-stop complain about how difficult dancing is for the body! Also, just a really random question, but are you going to be starting your YouTube channel any time soon again? Emilia xx

    • Reply
      lily kate
      7th March 2015 at 5:28 pm

      Thank you Emilia! Dancing is tough yeah! Especially now we’re back on syllabus work after the show 😮 I’d love to do more with Youtube but atm I’d really struggle to find time! Just focusing on blogging for now 🙂

  • Reply
    4th March 2015 at 10:00 pm

    You are so lovely , so cute , and I love totally your outfits here, knitted sweater, shorts and the over the knee socks are perfect adorable style ; I’m fan ! ♥ ♥ ♥

  • Reply
    5th March 2015 at 3:05 am

    Very nice photography….I agree with the previous comments that dance is substituting nicely to keep you tip-top healthy!

  • Reply
    5th March 2015 at 1:22 pm

    You look lovely here 🙂 I’m in the same boat with fitness at the moment, I’m not sure what’s happened but I don’t have the same motivation any more!
    Hannah x

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