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4 In fashion

a thankful list this Thanksgiving

I’m not American and firmly believe that turkey with all the trimmings is for December 25th, but I see no harm in dedicating a day to being thankful. I’m currently in the Cotswolds for the week, in the most amazing house, shooting a SS18 campaign with the lovely Christy Home team, so that’s something to be thankful for, for starters.  I’m writing this looking out over the private lake (yes really) whilst we wait for the sunlight to perk up between shots so I mean, could be worse.  Just thought I’d share a few more things I’m thankful for, happy about, all that good stuff, because #Thanksgiving so why not.

Family that just gets me.  I’m a very lucky gal to have a family that (most of the time) just ‘gets’ me and I am super happy living with.  Can’t beat being so close to your mum that you literally say the same sentences at the same time.  I know many people aren’t so lucky (in general, not just the saying sentences part) so I really am very thankful.  My life would probably look very different if I didn’t get on so well with my family and had wanted to move out as soon as possible – I’d probably be away at uni, with a bunch of different people, not blogging, not getting the opportunities I have… you get the idea.  My mum and I ‘get’ each other so well that we bought each other this exact same bag in different colours for our birthdays – great minds, huh?

Finding bargains when I’m not even looking for them.  Case in point, this delightful navy coat spotted whilst buying snacks and wine in Sainsbury’s.  I’ve had several compliments on it already so it must be a winner!  I can’t find it online so I do apologise, but what I can say is that Sainsbury’s had a load of coats at half price the other day so I’d highly recommend getting your arse down there for a look.  If I believed in fate I’d say this coat and I were meant to be.  I don’t, so I’m just gonna say I’m thankful for bonus bargains and a new navy coat entering my life.

Opportunities to work with and learn from fabulous creative people.  I always feel so much more motivated and inspired after being around creative people.  I’ve spent the last few days with photographers, designers, videographers, and stylists and feel like the creative side of my brain has come out of hibernation.  I can’t wait to see how the final shots turn out after seeing just how much work and care goes into each shot (hint: A LOT).

Crisp winter days.  Could I get more cliche?  Probably not, but I certainly am thankful for the odd fresh, bright day amongst all the miserable grey ones.  It’s a reminder that the cold can actually be quite refreshing and not as glum as it sometimes feels.

Passing my driving test first time.  Boy was I happy about this on Monday morning.  A couple of years ago I mentioned in a blog post that I wanted to be driving before I turned 20, but I’d say a couple of weeks after my birthday is close enough.  Very thankful I didn’t encounter many idiots on the road during my test.  Very thankful I didn’t have to parallel park (gimme a 3 point turn any day please and thank you).  Very thankful that I don’t have to take the new test starting in December and follow a SatNav.  I can go places on my own now without getting the bus!  How exciting!

Kitty cuddles when I’m home after a few days away.  Very grateful for my living hot water bottle.  Gotta give him a squish as soon as I’m home.  He’d better not run away from me now I’ve said that…

coat: TU clothing | trousers: Matalan | boots: PrettyLittleThing | jumper: Next (old) | bag: River Island

I could go on (and add ‘well fitting leather look trousers’, ‘boots that make my legs look longer’ and ‘cute tan bags that are the perfect size’ to the list) but I’m gonna leave it there and go find snacks, because I’m thankful for a kitchen full of 28239 snacks this Thanksgiving too.  Have a good one guys!

Lily Kate x

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  • Reply
    28th November 2017 at 10:49 am

    This outfit is tremendously cool and ideal for everyday wear. I love the way you style this navy coat by adding a sweet blush turtleneck and dark maroon coated leggings. The black booties give a kind of ladylike touch! Love it
    Ines from InesTrend.com

    • Reply
      lily kate
      30th November 2017 at 2:50 pm

      Thanks Ines! Black booties are always a winner in winter!

  • Reply
    7th December 2017 at 8:49 pm

    I’m always in favour of reflecting on all the positives and joys in our lives, whether there’s turkey involved or not! Congratulations on passing your test first time and securing that wonderful job with Christy Home, what a fantastic way to start your new decade.

    WhatLydDid com

    • Reply
      lily kate
      8th December 2017 at 4:10 pm

      Thank you Lyd! Your comments made me smile so much 😀 The Christy job was so cool, I can’t wait to see the finished campaign and share it all!

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