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5 In DIY/ knitting/ sewing

AS textiles | nearly done!

AS textiles smocking sample in scrapbook inspired by Azzedine Alaia


Another post not to everybody’s taste, but a few people quite liked the last batch of textile-y stuff I shared so here’s another!  Our deadline for everythingggg is this Friday so I’m up to my eyes in textiles work anyway.  Well, I’m saying that now.  One minute I’m all chilled feeling like ‘I’ve got this, I’m nearly finished, not a crazy amount to do’ and the next I’m flapping that there’s 3 frickin days left, ermahgerd.  I feel like everything’s under control, then enter panic mode, repeat, repeat.  Sublime to the ridiculous.  It’ll all be over soon!  Anyway, as you can tell, my work this unit was a whole lot less colourful than my last, since I decided everything was gonna be white before even getting the brief.  I’m now sick to the teeth of white textiles, but I like how it looks in my book!  Someone recommended I add splashes of colour to my final piece and I nearly had a fit.  Speaking of my final piece, I’ve only a zip to add now and I *should* be finished, so I’ll try to grab a few snaps of that at some point too.

That smocking sample above took me a good 2 hours and it’s tiny!  Shouldn’t let Pinterest tempt me into this madness.  Art subjects are sooo time consuming.  Who feels my pain?


When a sample looks crappy, make it into doll clothes, that’s been my approach this unit.  Teabag paper wax skirt, why not.  Paint swatch colour charts from Homebase and little things like that come in handy too.  Oh and Excuse the blu-tack blobs please!  I made the mistake of leaving everything temporarily stuck down as I went along, thinking I might change my mind about placements and would be better off leaving it ’til later.  Seemed like a good idea until I had 30 pages of journal work and a glue stick to take to it.  Haven’t quite brought myself to finish the job just yet.


Can’t say I ever envisioned knitting with plastic bags!  The Co-op logo made convenient stripes.  Used plastic loads in this unit!  Didn’t weld any more pieces to the heat press machine either, after that first incident.


A half-finished page that I have no idea what to do with but quite like the drawing in the corner so I’ll figure something out.  Such purpose and intention, y’know?  It drives me mad how I used to be really good at drawing as a kid (well, I thought I was with my Beatrix Potter inspired watercolours and whatnot) but I seem to have lost it a bit through lack of practice.  I’m slowly getting back into it though; drawings bump your grade up apparently so it’s a good job!


Grey was the furthest from white I was prepared to stray.  Think the whole monochrome thing worked well for my architecture theme though.  (And now I’m starting to sound like I’m writing annotations, and shall shut up).


On a completely unrelated note, I was meant to start month 2 of Insanity this week but… that’s not happening haha.  Not like me to bottle out is it!  I didn’t bail out without trying, don’t worry.  It’s more time than anything else that’s stopping me – month 2’s ‘Max’ workouts are 60 minutes rather than the 40 (maximum) in month 1, and I just can’t squeeze in 60 minutes before college without waking up at 5 and that’d be half an hour too early even for me.  Would be crazy during exams too!  So I’m just gonna repeat month 1 again alongside the odd exercise class at the gym and maybe a run or two, then pick up month 2 over summer.  (These are the legit reasons/justifications I’m telling myself anyway, not that I just just tried Max Cardio Circuit and it terrified the life out of me).  But hey, I’m ok with plans not going to plan.  I just make more plans!

lily kate x
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  • Reply
    6th May 2015 at 3:10 pm

    You need glue dots. Soooooo much faster than a glue stick. Good luck, honey! Nearly done. And it looks awesome btw. The white was a cracking choice!

    • Reply
      lily kate
      9th May 2015 at 1:35 pm

      I certainly do Evie! Glad you like it 😀 Are you invigilating at all this year?

  • Reply
    Beatrix Kerekgyarto
    6th May 2015 at 6:14 pm

    I have tried my best to read your blog as often as I could.Lilly you are such a huge inspiration to me.In my opinion you are very talented . You are not afraid to show the world who you are or your inner talents and skills.You have the talent that I can’t even dream of.I hope someday I’ll have something special to do like you.Don’t give up,carry on and you will succeed more than me.I gave up in everything except four things that are close to me which are:french,literacy,singing and reading your blog.I would like to wish you good luck with your A levels.I hope you succeed!Good luck with the next chapters of your life.Even if you don’t know I will support you from the outside.When I grow up I will re-read your blog to remind me of the inspiration you gave me.I love your work!

    From: A huge fan of yours <3

    • Reply
      lily kate
      9th May 2015 at 1:43 pm

      This comment made me smile sooo much, thank you! I’m so glad to have inspired you, even if with my crazy writing! Means so much to have your support, even though I don’t know you 🙂 Good luck to you in everything too, please don’t give up! You’re clearly a lovely, kind hearted person with lots to give and I’m sure you’ll bring smiles to many, which is one of the best talents to have in life!
      Thank you so much <3

      • Reply
        Beatrix Kerekgyarto
        9th May 2015 at 1:59 pm

        I don’t want to give up hope because of them is just not fair the right thing that I’m pretty crazy the people that accept you for how you are and what you’re like.if they don’t accept you real friends, real friends at each other how ever they are and not many people accept me that’s because I’m from a different country.also I’m pretty strange and crazy I need to accept myself for other people to accept me.

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