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6 autumn cliches I’m wholeheartedly embracing

Well well well.  That mini blog hiatus was unintentional.  I shan’t blab on with apologies and can’t imagine anybody missed me too much, but yes, I actually took my own advice (for once in my life!) and abandoned le blog for FIVE WHOLE DAYS whilst I had a recharge.  Suddenly I have ideas again, it worked!

Right now I’m in an absolutely buzzing mood and riding the wave of motivation because I *may* have just spontaneously booked myself 2 mini trips away next month.  (Ryanair 1 day flash sale, flights for £2 each way, ends tonight so get on it!!!!)  So yes, I’m rather excited about that.  I’ll finally have the chance to meet my blogger buddy Rachel in Dublin, and I’ve booked another bargain out of the country but still gotta organise the rest of that one.  My logic was ‘£4 return, book it and cross that bridge when you come to it’ so we’ll see!  My mum and I are off to Wales for a few days next week too, and I can’t bloody wait.  Nothing like last-minute trips to get you excited and pumped about life again. 😀


Anyway, back to the post.  It’s currently my 19th Autumn on the planet, and I don’t think I’d have once said it’s my favourite season before now.  Tbh I’d still struggle not to choose Summer (I <3 you, long summer days), but Autumn has grown on me a lot this time round.   Maybe it’s because I’m actually getting chance to see it other than through a classroom window this year, and thank the lord I don’t have the dreaded leaving the house in the dark AND coming home in the dark to endure.   So I’m becoming more of an autumn cliché as the days go on, basically.  100% shamelessly.  I thought it only right to share a little bit of the love on here, so here are the autumn clichés I’m wholeheartedly embracing!


The colour palette.  Elizabeth commented on my Instagram that ‘autumn colours suit me perfectly’, so this is a cliche I’m gonna stick with!  Gimme all the red & burgundy & beige & olive green.  They work better with my ludicrously pale complexion than summery shades do (read: it’s more acceptable to look like Casper the Friendly Ghost in Winter) so that’s a plus.  Following extensive research I’ve concluded that Nailed London in shade Maneater from the Rosie Fortescue range is The Most Perfect Autumn Colour Ever, just so you know.

Orangey leaves.  Not to sprinkle over myself like the Pinterest gals do, but to reflect the light in THE most impossibly pretty ways.  Which I am 100% making the most of before they turn to sludge.  I think we’re past peak ‘pretty leaf time’ already lol.

Tartan/plaid/check/whatever you want to call it.   I can’t get enough of this stuff!  The same tartan scarf I wore almost every single day last year is out already.  I’ve taken to just leaving it around the house (as I do with most things, much to my mum’s dismay) and whaddya know, worn it nearly every day this year too.  Same goes for this skirt – well, I haven’t worn it every day, but I’m a fan of the tartan just the same!  I adore how flattering the shape is and it’s comfy as hell.  What could be better.

Wooly cosy knits.  Making them, that is.  Handknitting wise I usually prefer itty-bitty summer pieces, but I like having a project on the go to pick up as and when I feel like it, so that grey blob above is the makings of a ruffle neck poloneck.  Probably.  I’m making the design up as I go along.

Big cosy scarves.  I’ve been wearing one round the house for crying out loud.  Just feels so cosy and lovely even if it’s hardly necessary indoors!  I imagine brits wearing scarves in October probably seems to real ‘cold weather’ people like Californians wearing wellies after one day of rain does to us (daft).  Oh well.

Deep red lipstick.  Doesn’t get much more ‘fall’ than this does it?  My current fave is Rimmel Kate Moss shade 107, which has only just been added to my Kate Moss lipstick collection.  Yay for 1 lipstick doing the job of 5 eye makeup products in making your face less bland. 😀


Btw, does porridge count as an autumn cliche?  Because there’s been a lot of that.  Oh and I haven’t done any pumpkins.  Shoot me.


lily kate x

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  • Reply
    26th October 2016 at 11:56 pm

    I may have had porridge every day this week.. With apple slices. Wonderful photography!
    And I do agree. Fall colours do suite you well.

    • Reply
      Lily Kate France
      28th October 2016 at 4:19 pm

      Well you’re not the only one. 😛 I might add apple slices next time!
      Thank you very much 🙂

  • Reply
    27th October 2016 at 3:58 pm

    Ah no I missed the Ryanair flash sale! Dammit, so stupid!! Exciting about your trips though, I hope you tell us all about them when you go!! The light Autumn leaves give off is incredible, they’re so vibrant! xxx
    Lucy @ La Lingua | Life, Travel, Italy

    • Reply
      Lily Kate France
      30th October 2016 at 11:43 pm

      Ah that’s so annoying! Oh I sure will do 😀 I’ll blog (and hopefully vlog) everything!

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