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2 In fashion/ writing challenge

november writing challenge | day 27 | busy


“Today I had too much __”

Evidently too much stuff to do to write a blog post in two days!  Whenever I’m going out anywhere at night I basically have no free time.  What can you do ey?  I’ve had a really good couple of days/nights so I’m not too worried; I don’t say no to going out because I have posts to write. :P  Sundays are made for staying home and catching up though.  This time of year seems to bring out all the cringey sayings but HOWWWW is it nearly December already?  People were tweeting in #lbloggers the other day about being finished with Christmas shopping and then there’s me, with absolutely zero idea whatsoever.  3 weeks left of college before the holidays and just OMG time passes so quickly.  I don’t see myself as an exceptionally busy person but always being on the go or having something to do seems to be how it is for teenagers!  Does your life feel really fast paced?


shirt: New Look | skirt: Primark | scarf: birthday present | bracelet: c/o Michael Kors

The birthday present outfits keep on coming!  Both this shirt and scarf were pressies (from different people) that I reckon go together pretty well.  I’ve only realised now seeing these pictures how matchy-matchy I was haha, wasn’t intentional.  You can barely see the white check print on the shirt, but it’s one of those ‘plain but not quite plain’ ones that I know I’ll wear loads.  Also, wearing a tight midi skirt all day is practically a leg workout I’ve decided – climbing stairs with your knees tied together is hard work I tell you!  Renamed it my resistance band skirt for that very reason.  Not very many clothes are actually that comfortable are they?


How’s your weekend going? 🙂

lily kate x
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  • Reply
    30th November 2014 at 8:54 pm

    You are totally right, Sundays are lazy days. You look gorgeous! I’m one of those people who has finished their Christmas shopping, sorry! 🙂

    Sarah / Sarah Smiles

    • Reply
      lily kate
      2nd December 2014 at 8:05 pm

      I haven’t quite managed a lazy Sunday in a while – I might stay home but am always doing something haha!
      I honestly don’t know what I’m gonna do for Christmas presents 😮

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