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16 In college/ fashion

college | my first week


Not everything has to be an outfit outfit – sometimes a dress and shoes is pretty much it.  I can take or leave accessorising.  Topshop do a similar, midi length version of this dress which I tried on last week, then bottled it and went for the New Look £15 version after seeing it in grey on Patricia’s blog.  I know she’s tall too, so had confidence that this one wouldn’t fall on the indecent side of short (read – bootay on show) on me.




First days at big girl skewl this week!  2 months off is the longest I’ve had since I was 4, so it’s taking some getting used to actually having to be somewhere most days.  So far I’m really enjoying myself at college though!  I’ve made quite a few new friends since just Wednesday and I actually really like the big campus and having a bajillion people around.  Also, I’ve been on so many trips to this college over the last few years that I’ve almost gotten used to it being a one day thing, and now keep forgetting that I actually have to come in tomorrow haha.  Whilst I didn’t hate school at all and I miss my old teachers loads, I’m so glad that I’m not in the same place for sixth form.  I liked it, but not that much!  7 years would be way too long in the same environment.  I don’t know how the people who stay on at the same school cope.  Change is good, people!  Especially at this point: you change so much from age 11 to 16 that I can’t imagine what it’s like staying an extra couple of years.  Even though it does feel kinda weird that there’s this whole settling in process, and then we’ll be gone by June 2016.  I can imagine that by the time I leave, today will feel like only yesterday.

I’ve definitely adopted a ‘starting as I mean to go on’ kinda mantra, and hopefully I’ll be able to keep it up!  5:30am morning workouts (yes really!)  started on day 1 – I posted about why I am a weirdo that does this back here.  Blogging through GCSEs was hard enough and I’m well aware that A-levels are something else completely.  I reckon that making the most of those free sessions and blogging when I can is a good way to make the most of my time!  Plus, I only get home around 5 now (wahhhh) so evenings and study day shall be very precious time!  Any other bloggers been in this position and have any tips?

Main YAY for college is wearing my own clothes too,  duhhh.  So exciting after 12 years of uniform!  Lack of blazer pockets is a bit of an adjustment (my life fit in those pockets) but I’ll take the freedom over the ease any day.  Maybe a ‘casual college outfits’ post or two might come by way of this blog. 🙂

lily kate x
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  • Reply
    Danielle Eskdale
    7th September 2014 at 10:52 pm

    Oh goodness, I definitely don’t envy you being back at college – I couldn’t do it again! But lots of luck to you.
    And obviously you look beautiful as usual.

    • Reply
      10th September 2014 at 8:15 am

      Thank you Danielle! I just really hope I’ll continue to enjoy it!

  • Reply
    7th September 2014 at 11:18 pm

    Hey, check out the student room for some fab college tips, they are my life. AS levels are hard, I’ve just finished them and gone from A*s at GCSE to AABC at as level, so don’t underestimate them. Good luck and smile!

    oliviacurls.blogspot.co.uk xo

    • Reply
      10th September 2014 at 8:16 am

      I checked the Student Room quite a bit during my GCSEs, and I’ll probably treat it like a bible this year! I’ve no idea what my target grades are yet but I’m prepared for a dip this year haha. Good luck with your A2s too! 😀

  • Reply
    7th September 2014 at 11:56 pm

    Ok if you wore that to school, I can already tell you that you just became in instant fav! You also acquired a few haterrrss! LOL! It looks great on you Lily!

    • Reply
      10th September 2014 at 8:18 am

      I didn’t actually wear this one to college, just a weekend outfit for now! Although I think with tights and layers in a few weeks, it might be a good one to style!
      Thank you!

  • Reply
    Loani Prior Queen of the Tea Cosies
    8th September 2014 at 12:02 am

    That is a big new adventure. You go girl.

    • Reply
      10th September 2014 at 8:19 am

      It is indeed! Hopefully a good one though! 😀

  • Reply
    8th September 2014 at 8:01 am

    Model. You know, if the whole A levels thing doesn’t work out.
    I’m just going to enjoy learning about this journey along with you. 🙂

    • Reply
      10th September 2014 at 8:20 am

      Haha well, I’m not sure modelling would be for me but I’ll keep it in mind! Thank you! The American system sounds so different, I’d love to learn more about that too! Teenagers only have one season of exams when leaving high school at 18 right?

  • Reply
    8th September 2014 at 2:12 pm

    I totally had no idea what to wear after I left the school uniform! And this is a daily decision?! If you can do this and enjoy it, good for you. It helps to have a few couple of years in college to work out these new routines, new looks. It does loads for your confidence too to decide how you want and need to look every day. You look smashing! not to mention comfortable and casual. But I am missing those pockets along with you. It is horrible to try to decide which cute bag you left your student card and keys in in the morning.

    • Reply
      10th September 2014 at 8:22 am

      It’s taking quite some getting used to! I can’t imagine going back to a shirt and tie though. Thank you! I do feel more confident when I’ve decided how i want to look, like it’s so much more ‘me’ than being a clone!

  • Reply
    8th September 2014 at 2:23 pm

    Lily, I’m so excited for you! I am glad your focus is on pacing yourself, and though you can easily be the hare, to take example sometimes from the tortoise, eh? 🙂 I just can’t believe you’re already in college, that is amazing, and I just know this is going to be a hugely pivotal couple of years for you !

    • Reply
      10th September 2014 at 8:24 am

      Thank you Jen! I’m just trying to take in as much as possible at the minute! I wonder how different things/I will be at the end of these two years? 😮

  • Reply
    11th September 2014 at 8:47 am

    The dress is gorgeous on you, you have a lovely figure! So happy to see you took some inspiration from my look, love it 🙂 X


    • Reply
      11th September 2014 at 10:23 pm

      Thank you Patricia! You have the best figure going!

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