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3 In home/ school

revision space


As so many of us are currently consumed by GCSE, A-level or Uni exam prep and I’ve been reading others’ posts on revision, I thought now might be a good time to show you my revision space at the minute.  Since my last revision themed post I’ve updated my desk set-up a little.  Shown mild OCD tendencies with my revision timetable, but I know all of us bloggers can be a little obsessive at times!



A girl can never have too many notebooks.  Over the years I’ve accumulated sooo many (anybody else get stationary as presents as a kid?) but I always seem to at least half-fill them!  I could almost guarantee you’d find a notebook filled with knitting notes and scribbles, lists of file numbers andthe odd mymaths quadratic equation in every room of my house.  GettingPersonal.com kindly sent me a few pieces which have helped to brighten up my desk space, including this personalised ‘stuff I gotta get done‘ notebook.  There’s nothing like writing on that clean first page.  I need to get out more. 😉

Unless my tasks for the day are written down in list form, I often find myself dithering about trying to remember what exactly it was I needed to knuckle down with.  It’s that  ‘extreme faffing’ again…really I need to just get the bloody job done.  Enter organised Lily with lists of everythingggg. :D  Revision timetables are the thing of the moment, but I also like to keep separate lists for crafty projects and blog-related things included too.  I suppose you’re either a list person or you’re not, and I definitely am. Despite being of the techie generation, I prefer pen and paper over on-screen memos any day.  Told you I’m 16 going on 60!


Currently housing my can’t-revise-without Sharpies is this pencil sharpener desk tidy, also kindly sent by GettingPersonal.  I’m easily amused by quirky pieces!  This one made a welcome replacement for my rinsed out Nutella jar, anyway. 🙂

How’ve you been getting on exams-wise recently?  I like reading any revision/exam style post whether it be GCSE or A-level or whatever; there are a lot of us in the same boat at the minute!

lily kate x
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  • Reply
    30th April 2014 at 9:19 pm

    Oh wow, this is so inspiring! I wish I was that methodic for revisions or for any paperwork! So far I’ve only been using colored-themes in my agenda so I can identify which category every task belongs to (job, errands, school…). But I remember that back in high school, I used to have a color code for EACH class I had! I used it in my agenda of course (like, writing “ex 1 p.34” in green meant I had an exercise to do in maths, and if it was in red it was sociology or anything else), and also for numbering the pages of the notes I was taking along with a two-letters code to identify (MA for Maths, HI for History, etc.), and I tend to still use this kind of code, it helps staying organized even when your desk is a total mess!
    Anyway, I still hope I could achieve such a list! I’m sure it’s truly motivating. Thanks for sharing Lily!

    • Reply
      7th May 2014 at 5:19 pm

      Sounds like you’re veryyy methodic and organised to me! I’ve had to calm down a little on the colour coding and everything so that I spend more time actually revising, but it definitely makes a massive difference to be organised! Thank you so much for commenting Clothilde!

  • Reply
    30th April 2014 at 10:58 pm

    I love your revision area! I need neat and tidy like that! OCD over here too 🙂 hehe. The color sharpies are awesome! I’m all about colors and color coding.

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