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19 In fashion/ school



Prom was perfect!  Picture heavy post ahead, #sorrynotsorry because I loved the night and loved the people so much that I have to share it all.  Everyone looked amazing and the whole getting ready, arriving, the evening itself (and of course the after-party 😀 ) was so much fun.  Thank you everyone who made the night so special!  For one night, prom gets a hell of a lot of hype, but it definitely lived up to expectations.  I wanna do the whole thing over and over!


More on my ‘dress’ later… my earrings and arm cuff were both from Topshop.


These girls in particular made the night such fun!  Left to right – me, Saskia, Beth, Hanna, Bella, Katie and Georgie.  We’ve become so close over the past few years and I honestly couldn’t ask for a better group of friends.  They’ve made school the best it could be and I’ll miss our lunchtimes together everyday so much.  We’re pretty much splitting our group in half going to different colleges in September but I’m sure we’ll still stay close forever.  I think our outfits all go together quite nicely too 😉


Georgie’s a familiar face on here by now.  Her dress was so cute and fairylike and was actually made by her sister.  That girl’s got sewing skills for sure!



So shock horror… my Alfred Angelo prom ‘dress’ wasn’t a dress!  You could barely tell it was a jumpsuit until I hoiked it up to walk up stairs (not easy with a drink and bag in hand I tell you… that wasn’t graceful), but I loved that it was just a little bit different.  Definitely fun to swoosh about in!  I wrote about my prom dress shopping experience at Dan Kerr back here and said that my face lit up when I tried a particular outfit on – the fact that this one had trousers definitely had something to do with why!


Bit of a high neck theme for Saskia, Hanna and me…


Can’t believe I’m not gonna see this adorable face every day anymore!  We’ll still see each other at dancing every week (ballet buddies since 2003) but it’ll not be quite the same.  Love you lots Hanna you beaut!


I decided to do all my hair and makeup myself rather than going to a salon or counter.  Was definitely taking a risk given my fringe has a mind of its own but I think I did an alright job, if I do say so myself!  Might do a prom hair/makeup post sometime.


Of course the boys all looked fabulous in their suits too!  Ben’s my adopted cousin because his gran lives next door and has adopted me as an extra grandchild so that totally makes sense.


My favourites again, minus Georgie because she was too busy faffing about with something or other.  I honestly loved everyone’s dresses (and my jumpsuit hehe) and think everyone’s outfit was absolutely perfect for them.


Bella looked amazing in her sparkly mini!


Unfortunately the only picture with our cars is one I had to nab from Facebook, but we were the luckiest ever with transport.  Bella’s dad and his friends kindly offered to take us in their Austin Healeys and MGA, so a big thank you to Michael, John, Francis and Andrew for taking us there in style!


Only Holly could pull off floor length silver sequins!  We’ve been through nursery, primary and high school together so going our separate ways now is a little sad.  Prom was the first time we’ve all had a night together as a year group and also probably the last.  Talk about bittersweet!


Cutest history teacher ever, I love Miss Klunder to bits.


BALDRY <3 Ich liebe dich Frau Baldry.  Es hat so viel Spaß gemacht und ich konnte du bestimmt nie vergesse!


Credit for me being able to string a half decent sentence together goes to Mrs Allen; best English teacher going.


Couldn’t let this post go without a mention to my headteacher Mr Morris.  Quoting him from my report this year ‘I appreciate Lily’s timely advice on how to run the school’.   You know what sir, you haven’t heard half of it yet, must nip back sometime!

Thank you so much to all my teachers, you’ve all been great!  Sorry I couldn’t get pictures of everyone.  Mr Brady especially, who’s been by far the funniest head of year there ever could be.

Thank you Mammy for being photographer for the night!  I could go on posting a bajillion pictures but I’d probably best stop now.  Major overuse of exclamation marks too, I know, but my face was hurting from smiling all night and I think they convey that pretty well.

Until this week I’d been willing exams to be over, but of course their end also brings the end of my time at high school.  Thanks everyone for making it such a great time!

lily kate x
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  • Reply
    Alice Evans
    28th June 2014 at 7:04 pm

    Oh wow Lily, you look truly stunning! I can’t wait to meet up and exchange prom stories! x

  • Reply
    28th June 2014 at 9:59 pm

    You look absolutely gorgeous – who needs a salon when you can make your hair look like that?? (Hello major hair envy!) It sounds like an absolutely great night, and I wish you all the best at your new college – now enjoy your last full summer with all the girls!

    Steph xx
    Lay It Bare

    • Reply
      29th June 2014 at 9:06 am

      Thank you so much Steph! My hair was pretty simple to do really, I’m just lucky that it stayed put for the night! It was a great night indeed, and I’m sure we’ll all have lots of fun, thank you!

  • Reply
    28th June 2014 at 11:29 pm

    ahh you look so beautiful! I had my prom/formal the other week too


    • Reply
      29th June 2014 at 9:12 am

      Thank you Lena! How did yours go?

  • Reply
    29th June 2014 at 1:12 am

    You look absolutely beautiful! I’m so glad it was everything you hoped as more!

    • Reply
      29th June 2014 at 9:13 am

      Thank you Nichole! I want to do it all again so badly!

  • Reply
    29th June 2014 at 1:36 am

    You look amazing! I love your dress too… the color and style look great on you!
    xo, Scarlett

    • Reply
      29th June 2014 at 9:13 am

      Thank you Scarlett! I knew this was the right outfit for me as soon as I tried it on!

  • Reply
    29th June 2014 at 9:39 am

    You look absolutely gorgeous! I love that colour of blue. Plus your make-up and hair is perfect – and you did that yourself?! Wow. Glad you had a lovely time 🙂 x

    • Reply
      30th June 2014 at 8:52 am

      I did have the loveliest time! Thank you Debi!

  • Reply
    29th June 2014 at 12:56 pm

    You’re so beautiful – Love you prom dress, definitely an new follower! – Do you have any tips on getting small blogs noticed, I’m around the same age as you and am having trouble getting my blog ‘out there’ haha – would be greatful for any feedback xx


    • Reply
      30th June 2014 at 8:56 am

      Thank you so much Emily! I’m still pretty much a newbie myself but I’d say twitter chats are the main way to start interacting with other bloggers, and also leaving lots of comments. Don’t be afraid to comment on some ‘bigger’ blogs, sometimes they’re so lovely and even give you a shoutout! Also, I’ve found sites like Lookbook, Chictopia and Teen Vogue Fashion Click to be really helpful too, so I’d recommend giving them a try 🙂

  • Reply
    Alice's Antics
    29th June 2014 at 9:27 pm

    You look absolutely breath taking! I’m so happy your prom lived up to the hype, I gave my 18th prom a miss last year
    because of travelling, but if I’d gone I would definitely have chosen a number like yours! You looked gorgeous Lily, I adore your blog 🙂 xx

    • Reply
      30th June 2014 at 8:56 am

      Aww thank you Alice! I love your blog too!

  • Reply
    4th July 2014 at 2:34 am

    You look stunning! Like seriously beautiful! You really remind me of Kelly out of saved by the bell too haha. I’m so glad you had the best time, I loved all of the photos of you with your teachers 🙂
    Enjoy your new freedom!

    xx Hayley-Eszti | http://www.hayleyeszti.blogspot.com

  • Reply
    7th July 2014 at 4:11 am

    You look red carpet ready! You all look very sophisticated!

  • Reply
    prom | if I did it again - Joli House
    15th March 2015 at 7:09 pm

    […] Boutique.  The length, shape and pretty much everything else is a completely different look to my actual prom dress last year, which is exactly what I fancied.  Another swishy long dress was tempting, but […]

  • Reply
    what can I make with this? | DIY cropped top - Joli House
    31st July 2016 at 8:05 am

    […] that’s a lie.  Remembered I wore a culotte jumpsuit to prom.  Still probably my favourite outfit […]

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