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6 In fashion/ knitting

strapless | my not-so-granny shawl


Tie a shawl round your boobies and voila, strapless top, woo!  The more ways you can wrap a piece of (very pretty) cloth around your body, the better, in my book.  Obviously I’m of the belief of knitting not being stereotypically a craft only for the grannies of the world , but sometimes I prefer to take it a step further and wear handknits in more unconventional ways.  Sad as it sounds, I could probably kill hours staring at my wardrobe trying new ways of wearing things!  Backwards, upside down, inside out, you get the jist.  Total contrast to yesterday’s post wearing shorts and a t-shirt in the most basic way possible, I know.  Too much consistency is boring. 🙂


top: Bowland shawl | earrings: Topshop | white trousers: Primark


I don’t actually own any strapless tops but I’m seriously liking shoulder-baring styles at the minute.  Seems like a very feminine body part to show off.  I’ve always had naturally narrow shoulders and as a child I made the mistake of slouching to my friends’ height too often, so over the last few years I’ve been trying my bestest to correct that.  Standing up straighter, mainly!  I’ve worked on trying to ‘muscle up’ around that area too, even if it does involve being the only girl in the weights room.  Clearly I’m no NPC bikini competitor (and no current desire to be at all!) but I’m happy that a side effect of gaining strength is visible in my posture at least.  I can tell a difference, even if it isn’t noticeable to others!


I’ve seen pictures of square scarves worn tied like this before – in a ‘oh I’m just lounging with my Dior scarf in St Tropez’ kinda way – but often thought the back didn’t look quite right, so hadn’t yet attempted the style myself.  However, this design of my mum’s from a couple of years ago is super wide and shallow so lends itself to wrapping around and remaining slightly more covered in back.



Tried out grey smoky-ish eyes this time using a Maybelline Colour Tattoo pot and my Naked 2 palette, with my nude Rimmel Kate Moss lipstick (shade 03) that I’ve nearly used up.


On a completely unrelated note, I ran the furthest I’ve ever done this morning, and thoroughly enjoyed being sort of lost!  Sunday mornings always seem to be my favourite time to pound the pavements.  I followed paths and streets I haven’t taken before which made for a much more enjoyable 14K than if I’d known every inch like the back of my hand.  Anybody else like running on unfamiliar routes?  Literally or metaphorically!

lily kate x
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  • Reply
    Danielle Eskdale
    18th August 2014 at 10:46 am

    Beyond stunning as usual!
    I think you should do a post wearing a bin bag because goodness, I think you could pull that off too!

    • Reply
      18th August 2014 at 5:08 pm

      Thank you so much Danielle! I highly doubt that but yano, maybe the look might be in sometime haha!

  • Reply
    28th August 2014 at 11:02 am

    You look so stunning Lily!

    • Reply
      1st September 2014 at 3:16 pm

      Aw thank you Carys!

  • Reply
    10th October 2014 at 12:26 pm

    nice shawl lily kate….

  • Reply
    17th November 2016 at 8:15 am


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