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student style with PrettyLittleThing

Yes that is a sweatshirt I’m wearing.  Yes it is still August (like that makes any difference in England).  Yes I am about to mention the phrases ‘back to school’ and ‘term time’.

I apologise in advance to anyone cursing me and living in a summer bubble right now.

But yes, back to ‘school’ and student life and all that!  Time for new pens!  Yes I’m going into my second year of university but I’ll still get just excited about new pens as I did when I was going into Year 2.  Today we’re talking clothes though, not pens.  PrettyLittleThing asked me to share something related to student life in one way or another, and given that my student life is slightly unconventional, student style seemed like the best way to go.  Because, clothes.  I live at home and study with the Open University so I can’t exactly offer advice on campus life or surviving Freshers or anything like that, but what I can chat (and will do at great length) is term time style.  So here we are, with 3 outfits that have that student-y casual vibe that (definitely not cool, stay at home student) me will be wearing for the forseeable.

[On a uni related sidenote – I spent a couple of days at Leeds University with University Rooms last week, and it’s really weird how I always feel like an imposter whenever I’m on a uni campus.  Even though I’m a full-time student, the fact that I’m not technically ~at~ a brick university makes me feel like a fraud whenever I’m walking around one for whatever reason.  It’s really odd with distance learning, because you study just as much as any other student, but don’t really feel like one.  And don’t even get me started on the weird explanations when people ask what I’m studying, then ask where at, then are confused when I say I’m at the OU so not technically anywhere. ‘So you’re at UcLan then if you’re studying at home in Preston?’ – no hun, it doesn’t work like that!  Anyway, off on a tangent there.  Back to the outfits.]

the sweatshirt and skater skirt

I’m soooo picky when it comes to slogans and rule out tons of sweatshirts based on what’s emblazoned on the front, so a plain one is more up my street.  My wardrobe’s lacking this kind of super comfy item; I find myself reaching for the same comfy ones over and over again so good to have items that are comfortable but far from dull.  As far from dull as it’s possible to get, with this one.

Skater skirts are always, always, a good idea, and this one works equally well with bare legs as it would with tights.  I would demonstrate, but I refused to break my ‘no tights between April and October’ rule that I instated age 13 when I’d stubbornly wear ankle socks with my school skirt on the principle that it ~should~ be summer.  I’m not giving in now!  Not gonna lie, the skirt’s rather short on 5’10 me, but it’ll be absolutely fine with tights in a couple of months.  From October onwards, of course.

OK so I know 4 inch heels aren’t your everyday casual attire (unless you have ankles of steel, in which case, I applaud you) but they’re fun to give a simple outfit a boost every now and then.  You can never have too many pairs of black boots, right?  They’re definitely a more casual style of heel than a full on stiletto, but still give you that posture lift (even if like me, you really don’t need the elevation).

sweatshirt | skirt | boots

the statement jacket

Long live the statement jacket for taking an outfit from as low key as can possibly be (jeans and white t-shirt, I’m looking at you) to something a little more exciting.  My affinity for bold jackets started a long time ago with my trusty yellow coat that I’ve owned since age 11 (which has featured on the blog every year since I started… and will continue to do so ’til the end of time) and continues year on year.  Can’t beat ’em.

Yay for an item that instantly looks like you’ve made more effort when you throw it on (what is it with us bloggers and this obsession with ‘throwing things on’? stop me) to nip to the shop for milk/toothpaste/alcohol/insert essential item of choice.

coat | jeans | top

the tied up tee

Even though I study from home most of the time, I really make an effort to get properly dressed even on the days I have no reason to leave the house.  When you live, study, and work in the same place it can all blend into one, and it would be all too easy to slip into a habit of leggings, t-shirts, and/or pyjamas.  I’ll forever champion the idea that how you dress affects your mindset, so having comfy but put together items is super important to me.

I kinda felt like I should be working in the sales with this white text on red tshirt but nevertheless, I really like it, and that’s even with aforementioned pickiness about slogans.  They gotta be simple!  No cheesiness whatsoever!

[Sidenote: is it acceptable to wear this tshirt on any day other than a Saturday?  I can’t decide whether I’d look like a complete numpty or if it’d make no difference whatsoever.]

Considering how much wear I get out of my blue denim jacket, I’m guessing this one will come in awful handy over the next few months too (or until I freeze in anything but a hefty winter coat).

WHY was I so late to the culottes bandwagon?  Perfect jeans alternative right there.

tshirt | culottes | jacket

Anddd that’s a wrap.  What are/were your student style staples?

All items are c/o PrettyLittleThing and from the Student Style page.

Lily Kate x

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  • Reply
    16th August 2017 at 9:50 am

    I love these outfits!! My staples were definitely skater skirts in every colour, various matching sweaters, and boots or ballet flats (depending on the season) – comfy, and put together! I’m definitely looking forward to autumn so I can dig out the sweaters and boots again!

    • Reply
      lily kate
      3rd September 2017 at 6:01 pm

      Thanks Bekah! I’ve already worn the sweatshirt loads 🙂 Skater skirts are always a winner aren’t they? I moaned about autumn for ages but now that I’m home from holiday I’m ready to embrace it!

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