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Where to stay in Berlin | 25Hours Hotel Bikini Berlin

Anyone get home from a trip, and for the next week/month/year can’t stop saying ‘this time last week/month/year I was THERE! Doing THIS!’?  Maybe just me.  I do like to reminisce.  But yes, this time two weeks ago I was very much enjoying a stay at the 25Hours Hotel Bikini Berlin.  Specifically at this time, resting my achy legs in the bedroom hammock after a day of exploring Berlin, before chilling the F out in the sauna with a view over the city.

Was rather a dreamy way to spend a Sunday, I must say. 

I’ve already written about everything I saw, ate, and did in my previous Berlin post, so I’ll point you in that direction if that’s what you’re looking for.  Today I’m sharing the hotel I 100% recommend staying in, or at least visiting if you get the chance.  I already knew I’d like the hotel after how much I enjoyed staying at the 25Hours in Hamburg a couple of years ago (almost exactly 2 years ago on a very short and sweet solo trip) but let me tell you I liked it A LOT.  Whilst the Hamburg version has a maritime theme (what with being on the harbour and all), 25Hours Berlin is jungle themed based on the zoo next door.  Not jungle themed in a tacky way, but in a very cool, kinda hipster, little bit edgy way that makes your stay here a memorable one.  

Stay in a Jungle Bedroom

Only after going in a lift with funky lights that make you feel a bit drunk and along a dark, neon lit corridor, that is.  We were lucky enough to stay in a ‘Jungle M’ room at the 25Hours Hotel, which meant our room overlooked the zoo from the 9th floor and had a hammock in the window.  Ohh the hammock, how I loved thee.  Can every hotel room have hammocks please?

Because we’re hungry buggers we ordered a couple of starters from the hotel’s restaurant to eat in our room, and I’m not lying to say my mouth is watering at the thought of that hummus and warm pittas right now.  Hell yes I could eat a big bowl of that stuff.  If only I could just nip upstairs to pick up my food right now eh?

As you can see, the decor was pretty minimalist but quirky and the hotel was definitely unlike any other I’ve stayed in. Obviously the most impressive part is THAT VIEW THOUGH.  Our jungle room overlooked Berlin zoo and Tiergarten park, which sprawls for miles so nobody can see into your room and you can walk around in the nudey to your heart’s content.  To be honest it’s actually pretty strange to be in the centre of a capital city and see such an expanse of darkness when you look out your bedroom window.

Breakfast at NENI Restaurant

More views, more food.  Breakfast from the 10th floor ain’t too shabby!  Predictable me always chooses a variation on fruit/yoghurt/cereal wherever I go, but I mixed it up with quark and Bircher muesli on this occasion.  With lashings of mango and strawberry puree too – life on the edge, I know!  I did actually try the cooked breakfast on our final morning despite eggs and beans before 8am being most unlike me, and can confirm it was delish.  I may or may not have made a (3 day) habit of vegan banana bread with peanut butter and Nutella too… 

Chill around the Monkey Bar

I’m actually really glad we wandered into the hotel’s Monkey Bar area of the hotel for a nosey on our first morning, because I’d have missed the decor behind all the crowds if not.  This bar is the place to be at night, it would seem!  We visited in late November so the rooftop was on the chilly side, so I can only imagine Monkey bar in summer is buzzy and lively with dreamy sunset views.  I’m not entirely sure how to describe the decor other than a kind of retro/urban/cosy/arsty mishmash that worked very well, so I’ll let the photos do the talking.  

Hire bikes to ride around the city

Already mentioned this last time so I’ll keep it short, but yes, one can hire bikes from this hotel and head out for a jolly around the Tiergarten park/city centre/wherever you fancy.  Handy to be able to nip downstairs and borrow bikes, helmets, locks and all that jazz. 

Warm up with cakes and coffee in the bakery

Because everybody knows warm cake and beverages are the best way to warm up after a chilly day.  Especially by a fire.  With blankets.   Nice little spot to chill in, whether you’re staying at the hotel or not

Catch up on work at the iMac station

Which I did absolutely none of on this trip, but hey, if you’re there for business or just want to catch up on the ‘net on a screen bigger than your phone, that you may do. 

Rest achy bones in the sauna

Why not freeze yourself outside then boil yourself in the sauna, eh?  No extra charge, just ask for sauna passes and bathrobes and slippers will be left in your room.  A few people were in and out of the sauna and adjoining lounge room thingy, but it wasn’t busy.  Being on the 9th floor, looking out over the zoo and the city at night with a cold drink, fluffy robe, chilled tunes (liked it so much we Shazam’d loads of songs and made a Spotify playlist) was honestly THE most relaxing spot to unwind and feel oh so content with life

Dine at NENI Restaurant

Going to end with the same photos as my last post because this food was so good it’s worth mentioning twice.  Go eat here!  Book (well) in advance!  Choose the Sabich like I did!  That is all.

Safe to say I want to go back tomorrow.  Thanks for having us 25Hours, 10/10 would recommend!

Lily Kate x

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Our stay was discounted in exchange for a feature, but all opinions are my own (of course!).



  • Reply
    Candice Sandler
    9th December 2018 at 7:22 am

    It looks like such a beautiful city!

    Candice | NatalyaAmour.com

    • Reply
      lily kate
      18th December 2018 at 8:10 am

      It is! Definitely one I’d recommend visiting 😀

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