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4 In lifestyle

my 5 minutes on BBC radio 4


Not often a day begins with heading to a BBC recording studio!  Any listeners of the Today programme may have heard little Lily saying on Radio 4 just before 9 this morning.  Exciting, I know!  For 5 minutes I talked to John Humphrys (yes, that one!) on the topic of ‘Can school uniform be cool?‘.

I didn’t realise this radio malarkey happened so quick!  This time yesterday I had no idea; a couple of emails and phonecalls from a BBC producer later, and at 8am I was in a taxi en route to the nearest recording studio in Blackburn.  Tis madness!  Luckily I don’t think I said anything too daft on national radio, which is a miracle by my standards.  7.18 million listeners, Wikipedia tells me!  And they wanted me to talk?  Even just for 5 minutes?  Wowza.

You can listen to the clip here.  Obviously I had no prior expectations – having done nothing of the sort before – and the whole shebang was actually really simple.  Sit in studio, put headset on, listen to programme, talk when asked something.  Tap fingers ferociously on table when told “you’ll be talking to John Humphrys in one minute”.  At that point I was *slightly* nervous. 😉

Despite worrying that I’d say something I really shouldn’t, this morning was really fun!  I’d love to do it again.  Anybody else had radio/TV experiences that have come about thanks to their blog?  What’s your opinion on the words ‘uniform’ and ‘fashionable’ appearing in the same sentence?

lily kate x
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p.s. I attempted vlogging parts of the experience so keep an eye on my YT channel -  it’ll be my first vlog, eek!



  • Reply
    29th August 2014 at 4:21 pm

    That’s so cool! I was on BBC radio Suffolk once, which was funny, I also got featured in a national newspaper which was fun too! just listened to the clip, you did really well! My school was so laid back with uniform, everyone had personlised uniforms and if you actually went to school in the uniform set by the school you were to odd one out! Maybe one day you will be on radio one once you make it big time in the fashion/modelling world 😉


    • Reply
      1st September 2014 at 3:17 pm

      It’s so much fun isn’t it! I can hear the slight shakiness in my voice when I listen to it back haha. I wish my school had been like that!
      And oh, I can dream! 😀

  • Reply
    31st August 2014 at 9:00 pm

    Blows my interview on BBC Lancashire about the Sewing Bee right out of the water!!!! 😉 Soooo cool!

    • Reply
      1st September 2014 at 3:24 pm

      Haha Evie I can’t wait for you to be on the Sewing Bee on TV!

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