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2 In fashion

strappy back


I’ve rambled about my love for all things backless before and I shall gladly do it again!  No particular reason why this style is ma faveee, but it just is.  We all have our favourites. 🙂 Like I mentioned in this post, Alice and I both drifted into the boho section many a time on our shopping jollies.  Floaty + backless + strappy + flared sleeves = bohemian yeah?  I’m a little way off embracing feathers and tie dye but I’m getting there.  Slowly.


top & boots: Forever21  |  jeans: H&M


My love for all things backless isn’t changing anytime soon but we all know how much of a pain the bra situation is.  Boys have it so easy!  The prettier the clothes, the harder to wear it seems.  I’m yet to find a perfect solution (stick on is… unpredictable let’s say) so let me know if you’ve found any hacks!



Muddying up my new favourite boots already.  Well done Lily


I read back through my posts from the last few months this morning and found this one from back in May, where I listed a bunch of things I wanted to wear, make, do and see over summer.  Not everything has been ticked off the list haha. :P  I did wear a kimono, didn’t go so far as floor length cardigans because when I tried one on I looked like Dr Who circa the David Tennant days.  I did wear floaty things, as you can see!  I did learn to crochet better, and made myself two – undeniably useless – summery pieces.  (here and here).  Sadly Paris and a blogger meet didn’t happen and neither did any work experience, but I’m ok with that.  It’ll happen sometime.  I usually make lists for the sake of making lists anyway 🙂


Now that the excitement/shock/ermahgerdIgot11A*s of last week has died down it’s finally hit me that there’s only a week of summer left.  How the @$&%# did that happen?  I’ve been a lady of leisure since 23rd June which sounds like a million years ago, and feels like even longer.  Shopping for college bits and pieces has happened, summer prep homework for AS levels has not (it will soon I promise) and a few design items  – not allowed to talk about much yet shhh- have been worked on.  Kept myself busy one way or another. 😀

lily kate x
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  • Reply
    27th August 2014 at 2:49 pm

    I like the backless style on you too. This float plus skinny straps is very unusual in combination. Usually floaty on its own is too shapeless. I am happy to hear about your summer though. Some design items in the offing? I am looking forward to hearing more.

    Congratulations on your 11 A grades! And … I know… summer is almost over!

    • Reply
      1st September 2014 at 3:15 pm

      That’s what I liked about it – gives the off the shoulder look without actually falling down! And yes, a design or two may show up 😀
      Thank youuu!

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