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10 In fashion/ lifestyle

are you a sociable blogger?


I like to think we’re a fairly sociable bunch! Lucky me has made quite a few online friends, and Alice and I thought it was about time we made our chitchats proper ones rather than virtual. Needless to say we had a fabulous day of chatting, eating and shopping. After a little transport mishap on my part (how was I to know that the train stationary on the platform with its doors shut was the one I should be on?) we met in Birmingham, our halfway place of choice, and clicked straight away. It felt like we’d known each other forever! I love when conversation just flows without awkwardness and you basically don’t shut up the whole day. Helps when you’re soooo similar I guess!

During a few twitter chats, I’ve got the impression that many bloggers feel nervous or awkward about meeting other online people in real life.  Social anxiety seems reasonably common amongst bloggers too, from what I’ve gathered.  I mentioned this to Alice and she said the same as me: we’d both assumed that people sharing their lives on the big wide web would be fairly outgoing and extrovert to be honest  It surprised us both to find this isn’t always the case, and that a good number of bloggers are actually on the quiet side. Which totally fits with nerves, shyness and anxiety about actual events of course. I suppose it’s easy to presume that others doing similar things are similar to you – I know I’m very much an ‘extrovert’ – but maybe I’ve got it all completely wrong!  I’d be the first to admit that I can be a bit of a motormouth, which brings the perks of being able to talk to strangers (IRL, not just online) quite easily.  I love chatting to the people next to me on buses and trains! 

Alice is so lovely that I’m sure all would have been great, even if we were both wallflowers (definitely not the case).  We got on like a house on fire haha!  The social side of blogging is by far one of my favourite parts.  I’d love to be able to physically meet more bloggers of all ages.  Are you a confident, sociable person that blogs as another creative outlet?  Or do you fall more in the quiet camp and find the whole ‘sharing yourself’ thing easier behind a screen?


Anyways, what better things to bond over than pizza and an afternoon’s browsing?  Naturally we tried on about a bajillion things ‘just because we could’ and spent a good hour (or 2) in Forever21.  Neither of us have one local so our excuse was that we were making the most of it.  I picked up a few pieces in there which I’ll share shortly.  Both of us gravitated towards the same boho style and tried on a bunch of identical things, because we are twins separated at birth duhhh.


Love Alice’s fedora and kimono!


‘That’ Primark backpack that’s everywhere yeahhh… it leaves my arms free, what can I say.







My outfit |  skirt: River Island | top and vest: Topshop | bag: Primark | sandals: New Look


Alice’s outfit | hat: Select | boots: New Look | kimono, top and jeans: H&M | bag: Primark

We’re already organising when we’ll do it again.  Do you enjoy meeting up with your online friends for the first time?  Have any funny stories to tell of first meets?

lily kate x
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  • Reply
    Toni - Reclaiming Your Future
    9th August 2014 at 12:05 pm

    I sure am a socialable blogger! Not only are some of my closest friends originally from social networks but I even went on holiday to Amsterdam with one (never having met him before).
    I’m an introvert by nature which allows me to write deeply but I LOVE meeting new people which is why I prefer Twitter to Facebook 🙂
    Looks like you too had an awesome day and looked fab as usual!

    • Reply
      9th August 2014 at 12:08 pm

      Thanks for commenting Toni! That sounds like a really fun first meeting! How was amsterdam? I’ve never been before!
      I haven’t tried using Facebook for blogging as twitter really seems to be where it’s at.
      We did indeed have an awesome day! And thank youuu!

  • Reply
    9th August 2014 at 5:38 pm

    This post has definitely inspired me to arrange a few blogger meet ups! It’s so nice that you and Alice got on so well! I guess I’ve just been pretty nervous about it, but I’m really considering it now! 🙂

    Roseanne xox

    • Reply
      10th August 2014 at 8:41 pm

      Go for it, you won’t regret doing!

  • Reply
    Jess McGuire
    10th August 2014 at 2:15 pm

    This is such a lovely post. I definitely say I’m more of a quiet blogger usually but would still love to meet up with a few blogging friends. Even though I’ve only recently started blogging I have met so many lovely and genuine people and it’s a brilliant experience.


  • Reply
    Sabina B
    10th August 2014 at 8:10 pm

    Nice looks! Love that gray skirt!


  • Reply
    Loani Prior Queen of the Tea Cosies
    11th August 2014 at 11:53 pm

    Hey Lily, well done you. I like to think of it as the modern pen pal friendship. Before the days of the internet people made friends across the world by having ‘pen pals’. This is the wikipedia entry for pen pal. “A penpal relationship is often used to practice reading and writing in a foreign language, to improve literacy, to learn more about other countries and life-styles, and to make friendships. As with any friendships in life, some people remain penpals for only a short time, while others continue to exchange letters and presents for life. Some penpals eventually arrange to meet face to face”.

    And that’s what Jacqui and I did. We blogged and then we emailed privately and then we met and then our husbands met and then we visited each others houses (we live in different states in Australia) and I consider her among my besties. So much to enjoy when we step outside out comfort zone.

    • Reply
      13th August 2014 at 6:35 pm

      Thanks Loani! I actually had a penpal in Germany that I exchanged a few letters with, and Leslie Friend’s daughter Libby and I used to write letters and send presents to each other too. That’s since moved on to chatting on Facebook and Instagram, so I guess the internet is the modern day version exactly. I’d love to think that some of my best friends can come from blogging too!

  • Reply
    strappy back - Joli House
    26th August 2014 at 5:02 pm

    […] why this style is ma faveee, but it just is.  We all have our favourites. Like I mentioned in this post, Alice and I both drifted into the boho section many a time on our shopping jollies.  Floaty + […]

  • Reply
    november writing challenge | day 18 | bothering me - Joli House
    19th November 2014 at 2:07 pm

    […] that I wouldn’t feel shy or nervous at an event, for example, which I (sort of) posted about here. I feel bad for saying that it wouldn’t bother me, when understandably others are saying it […]

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