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8 In fashion

mirrored island


No prize for figuring that these shots were taken before England took a momentary nosedive into winter.  This combo screams summer pretty loudly, but I wanted to squeeze as much wear out of my ‘pretend I’m on a meditteranean beach’ pieces as possible. Knowing me I’ll still be baring the midriff in December though… Who am I kidding?


Anybody recognise this Motel Rocks print from a few years ago?  I remember browsing Topshop on my own when I was 14 or so and thinking ‘I might buy something a bit wacky today’, and coming home with this skirt in hand.  Compared to this summer’s prints it’s fairly tame I’d say, but at the time it seemed more ‘out there’!  I wonder what fashions seem radical(ish) now that’ll be on everyone and their mother in a few years time?



Comfiest sandals ever.  So often shoes end up banished to the ‘wear for 20 minutes at a time’ pile, but these haven’t rubbed once.  And teal seems to compliment near enough everything, surprisingly.


Sad as it sounds (my mum is a photographer, ok) one of my favourite summer ‘things’ is the glowy evening light that lingers for an hour or so.  That particular shade of light seems to make everything look just that little bit prettier; more so than any Instagram filter can anyways. 🙂


cropped top: Miss Selfridge | skirt: Motel Rocks | sandals: New Look

Anybody else clinging on to summer like it’s going out of fashion?

lily kate x
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  • Reply
    12th August 2014 at 4:47 pm

    Ahh such pretty pictures! xx

    Sarah Nunn | UK Style Blog

    • Reply
      13th August 2014 at 6:35 pm

      Thank you Sarah!

  • Reply
    12th August 2014 at 8:20 pm

    My mum is in England and I didn’t hear about the wintery weather yet! I should ring her up. We didn’t have much of a summer this year (in Toronto, Canada), but it is still between 25 and 30 degrees every day. More rain than usual. But what I am clinging too is the time.Summer time has a really nice laid back vibe that I can’t believe is over! Wah! August is like the Sunday of summer.

    I like landscape print fabrics or photo fabrics. I have been sewing with some and they are really fun. Kind of Belgian style kids clothes. You know a dress with a snowy scene with snowshoe hares. Topped with an orange cardigan (hand knit, naturally) add the cutest three-year-old girl with black hair and that seems to be the style of kidswear Belgian designers seem to go for. your look is in tune with this. Especially the matching exposed zips and the turquoise accent on sandals. Yeah, you need a bright discordant colour like orange, turquoise, mustard, to pull it all together Belgian style.

    • Reply
      13th August 2014 at 6:42 pm

      It’s been switching between seasons pretty much hourly in England! Between 25 and 30 degrees – you are lucky! I love the summer laid back vibe too, it just isn’t chilled in the same way in winter. Literally chilled, maybe!
      I’ve never known about Belgian style in this way, but it definitely sounds very ‘me’! Think I’d even wear the three-year-old’s outfit you described. 😛

  • Reply
    Sarah Mullaney
    12th August 2014 at 8:51 pm

    So pretty Lily and I want your skirt so badly aha! Wacky purchases are always the best ones as it’s good to go out of your comfort zone a bit with fashion 🙂 I’ve started buying clothes that I used to think were a bit out there or that wouldn’t suit me but it feels so nice to wear them 🙂

    Sarah xxx

    • Reply
      13th August 2014 at 6:43 pm

      Thank you so much Sarah! I keep telling myself to look for things a bit ‘different’ too – any outfit is better with at least one exciting thing!

  • Reply
    Denina Martin
    13th August 2014 at 12:55 pm

    Cute blog :))


    • Reply
      13th August 2014 at 6:45 pm

      Thank you!

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