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5 In fashion

I resolve | red Boohoo dress


I haven’t gone crazy with resolutions this year, but ‘Style Resolutions’ is one I’m quite happy to get on board with.  Any excuse to ramble excessively about clothes.  I’m all about the snazzy dress atm too, aren’t I?  This one would’ve been perfect for New Year.  Or any other dressy-ish occasion tbh!  I’ve decided my Boohoo ‘Style Resolution’ (typing that makes me feel like Gok Wan or something) is to wear more colour.  Specifically, red.  I don’t wear enough of it.  What a catastrophe, I know, God.  Probably my favourite outfit / shoot last year was with this red dress though (aka my dancing girl emoji dress) so I think a little more bright wouldn’t hurt.  It seems to suit me with dark hair so I’ll go with that.  My ‘deep red’ hair dye hasn’t faded yet – still black, no matter how much I want to be a redhead I’m stuck with this for a while now!


dress: c/o Boohoo | shoes: TU at Sainsburys


Onto the dress at hand.  This one from Boohoo is my first bandage style dress too, but ‘wear bandage dresses’ would be a bit of a strange resolution wouldn’t it?  It fits me really well anyway and clings in all the right places so I guess that wouldn’t be a bad idea.  I sometimes feel like short, tight dresses can be too much (nothing against them – when you’re a tall gal they can be difficult though!), so bodycon midis are kind of my ‘thing’.  As you can probably tell.  They feel appropriately going-out-y without being inappropriately knicker-flashing, always good!


Other than wearing more colour (I’ve slipped into wearing a lot of black lately!) I don’t really have any ‘style resolutions’.  I change my mind all the time anyway, so there’s probably no point!  Probably should have a bit of a clearout tbh and give some stuff to charity, but that’s another matter.  Don’t even want to think about starting a mammoth task like that yet.  I’m trying to ignore the fact that I’m back at college tomorrow too – 17 days has gone far too quickly!  Looking back at my Christmas holiday goals I’ve not actually done too badly though!  Seen the fam properly… got very merry (:D)… caught up with friends… dressed nice for the sake of it… took lots of photographs!  The chocolate log didn’t happen because trifle and cake and chocolate happened instead, and I swapped the running for a load of home/gym workouts because I hadn’t exactly predicted that Preston would be flooded.  I tried my best not to leave all homework and revision to the last minute, I really did.  Have a guess what I’ve been up to today though?

lily kate x
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  • Reply
    Bash Harry
    3rd January 2016 at 4:42 pm

    First of all, DAYUUMM. I consider you a blogger friend and I’m ALWAYS enamored by your beauty. Oh my gosh, Lily! I really need to get myself a bandage dress!

    xx Bash | Hey Bash | bloglovin’


    • Reply
      lily kate
      9th January 2016 at 8:53 am

      I think the exact same of you Bash you beautiful beautiful girl! Thank you so much <3 You'd look amazing in a bandage dress!

  • Reply
    10th March 2016 at 2:23 am

    I love the red boohoo dress on you much! What size did you purchase? i would like to order! Love x

    – S

    • Reply
      lily kate
      15th March 2016 at 7:36 pm

      Thank you Soha! I think mine is a size 10!

  • Reply
    wear more red - Joli House
    3rd May 2016 at 9:15 am

    […] One cannot wear floaty clothes and not spin.  Nope.  I’m doing pretty well on my ‘wear more red‘ resolution at the minute too – wore a real life emoji dress on Saturday night and here […]

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