Hi there, Lily surfacing from beneath a pile of tea and cake. Â This week started this week with the gym every day and salads, would you believe. Â All gone downhill from there! Â Or uphill, depending which way you look at it. Â And how much you like cake.
Only one photo of me today ’cause rain = very bad hair day. Â Just wasn’t happening.
What with the severe flood warnings 5 miles down the road (here looks ok – so far!) there ain’t no way we’re venturing outdoors AT ALL. No option but tea and cake then really is there? Feels a bit weird to come to such an outdoorsy place and stay indoors as much as possible, but to be honest it’s just nice to have a change of scenery for a weekend. Pretty scenery, all the better. Even if we can’t see half of it through the fog, but whatever. There are mountains and lakes out there somewhere!
Off we popped to Linthwaite (after giving up on browsing Windermere shops this morning because, well, we got soaked) for my current obsession, afternoon tea. Such a cliché but I love it.  ‘Lovely’ would be the best word to describe it. Or British.  Sooo British. Cute conservatory, roaring fire, rain (the most British part), tea, the best little sandwiches and cakes, that kinda thing. We couldn’t finish nearly everything so brought our carrot cakes, chocolate pistachio slice, and scones home. Just to keep our theme going, y’know. Tonight is wine and cake, woo!
Let’s just say I’ll be in the gym again on Monday. 🙂 🙂 🙂 So good!
And that’s about all I have to update you on.  We had a pretty subdued morning after catching up on all last night’s news; we’d tuned out last night so had no idea what was going on.  This is one mad world that we live in.
lily kate x
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Jesse w
15th November 2015 at 12:56 amLooks lovely! 😀 hope you two are having a v nice time! :* xx
lily kate
15th November 2015 at 1:21 pmIt was! So cosy, you would’ve liked it 😛