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4 In fashion

accessorising with michael kors


Pretty bangle yee?  I was kindly sent an item from the latest Michael Kors collection to style, and the blue/gold combo on this one caught my eye.  Fancied something other than plain gold or silver for a change.  In your face ‘Look at me, I’m from ***!’ logos aren’t really my thing, so I love the subtlety of the tiny inscription on this one.  Plus it fastens like a buckle which I thought was pretty quirky.  I’m easily impressed.  Style challenge was accepted, anyway. :D  Saying that, a jumpsuit is technically only one item… so no mega stylist points for me there haha.  Basically just wearing a onesie and calling it an outfit.  White head to toe seemed to show off the bracelet best, although I’m sure I’ll be styling some more casual outfits shortly too.


Bracelet: c/o Michael Kors at Harvey Nichols | jumpsuit and earrings: Topshop



Considering it was a last winter’s purchase, I’m not sure why this jumpsuit hasn’t been blogged before, but better late than never!  ‘Twas a super lucky last one on the sale rack find too. So far no spills – all white is just tempting fate really so that’s an achievement in itself.  It’s fairly snug-fitting compared to most jumpsuits so is a) more flattering and b) near enough impossible to sit down/stand up in, but that’s nothing a girl can’t handle eh?


That shorter hair I mentioned last week isn’t actually that short at all (we’re all slightly melodramatic at times, right?).  Now that I’ve lost a few inches I’m sooo tempted to chop off a load more, but I really couldn’t guarantee a Cheryl Cole style bouncy long bob every day so the regret probably isn’t worth it.  Wow I think about things too much!  You reckon I’d suit shoulder length?

Life-wise I haven’t a great deal to update – college, friends, going out, that kind of thing!  Once October rolls around it’s just like a string of events with birthdays (including mine yayy), Halloween, bonfire night, Christmas etc. etc. etc. over the next couple of months, and I kinda like the ‘routine’ from one to the next.  Always something to look forward to, perks of being a winter baby! 🙂

lily kate x
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  • Reply
    Emma 5foot10
    14th October 2014 at 8:03 pm

    I really like that bracelet. I’m not a huge fan of brand logos being huge. I’d rather have an item I like, with a small logo (or no logo). I also like the colour of the bracelet. Definitely my sort of colour 🙂

    • Reply
      lily kate
      15th October 2014 at 4:37 pm

      I don’t think I own anything with a huge logo, it just screams that you’re showing off the name! Would be lovely on you 🙂

  • Reply
    15th October 2014 at 9:44 am

    Lily!! There’s something about you that reminds me of 70/80/90’s fashion magazines (in SUCH a good way!) and makes your blog photos totally unique. I’ve not come across a blogger with photographs like yours, you know!

    I love your jumpsuit – you look gorgeous. And I like the jewelry too, which is saying a lot for me as I tend to be the kind of person to appreciate it on someone else but not wear it myself. That’s a really nice bracelet – that pop of blue is my most favourite colour and the design of that bracelet isn’t too ‘feminine’ or fussy.

    Flora 🙂


    • Reply
      lily kate
      15th October 2014 at 4:42 pm

      Thank you so much Flora! So good to see you back again! I usually love the arm party look on other people too but barely wear more than one bracelet at a time myself!

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