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those girls’ nights | a foodie instagram giveaway

So, girls nights.  Sometimes you just need one, no?  Whether it’s with your long time best pal or someone you’ve only met a handful of times, sometimes a girly chitchat night is exactly what’s needed.  No offence, guys, but sometimes male company just doesn’t cut it!  Last Friday I enjoyed a fab girly foodie night at Miller & Carter Steakhouse, which gave me a lil’ post idea. ‘The things us girls talk about’, because there’s often a common theme, right?  In general, not just over steak and cocktails, but stay tuned ’til the end for the actual foodie part and an Instagram giveaway.

— The weird things guys do.  Honestly they’re completely unfathomable sometimes and if a girls night doesn’t involve trying to figure out what the hell’s going on in a situ, then that’s weird in itself.

— The nice things guys do.  Gotta include the flip side, of course!  When a BF has done something really cute, you can bet your life that the GF will tell her friends with a coy smile on her face.  (Hoping you do this too, guys)

— Sex.  Obviously.  What is a girly conversation without references to penises and/or vaginas.  Either in great detail or respectfully private, depending on the situation.

— Whinging about how much of a pain girls’ clothing is.  Unless you’re chilled at home on the sofa with a brew (always a good spot for a girly catchup), someone’s bound to be wearing either tight jeans, a strapless bra, or The Most Painful Shoes Ever.  Can’t imagine a group of lads moaning about their jeans and shirts tbh.  Seriously though, what kind of idiot wears skin tight trousers to go out for a big meal? Oh wait…

— Who’s doing what in life, who’s with who, and OMG since when did they move to Australia?  Always fun to discuss what the people you knew back in the day (ie. school) are doing with their lives, including the people you’d forgotten existed until you saw them on your FB newsfeed.

— Reminiscing about ‘back in the day’.  Never mind if you’re only 19, 5 years still feels like a long ass time ago!  Memories always come flooding back when you’re with the friends you made them with.  Or in mine and Saskia’s case, every time I drink peach iced tea.

— How none of you know what you’re doing with your life.  What age does this stop?  Enlighten me.  It’s a recurring theme with my friends of all ages, so something tells me this ‘fumbling through life’ feeling continues for a while.

Now for the actual foodie part, because food and cocktails does a good girls night make.  Obviously.  Last Friday I hopped on the train to St Anne’s with my friend Izzy to check out the Miller & Carter Lytham St Anne’s restaurant, and I definitely wasn’t disappointed!

Choosing a starter was a difficult task, but scallops won for me in the end (always will tbh).  I made a good call.

Obviously I went for the biggest, brightest, drink on the menu – the Pink Lady.  Again a good choice.

Choosing a main wasn’t difficult in the slightest – when you go steakhouse, you eat steak.  Read that in a Fred Flintstone kinda voice please.  Fillet steak for both of us (medium rare, perfectlyyyy done) with a side of onion loaf and lettuce wedge, as per the ‘Miller and Carter Steak Experience’.  I was a little confused by the whole lettuce wedge thing at first – it arrives first in a separate bowl – but apparently it’s for palate cleansing or something along those lines.  Seemed like an odd idea, but it really worked!  Having something a little lighter to mix up the steak, chips, and onion was a really nice addition.

Dessert wise, I usually try to go for something on the lighter side of life (sorbet, fruit salad, that kinda thing) but when there’s a funky sounding chocolate orange on the menu I’m pretty much powerless.  Couldn’t help it, honestly.  The Miller’s chocolate orange was a gooey, fudgey, ball of chocolate orange (obviously) ganache, with a side of orange sorbet that had a similar effect to the lettuce in lightening things up a bit.  A+ for the food combinations guys, A+.  Safe to say there was no way I could finish it as I already felt at least 6 months pregnant with a food baby, but I’d still highly recommend!

Anyway, if you fancy winning a £50 Miller & Carter voucher for your own girly night (or date night, or family night, or treat ‘yo self night…) then you can enter by liking my Instagram photo and giving Miller & Carter a follow on their ‘gram too.  Good luck!

lily kate x

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Our experience at Miller and Carter was complimentary, however all opinions are my own.









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