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8 In fashion

november writing challenge | day 2 | advice


“Share some good advice.”

At first I wasn’t sure how to interpret this – ‘share some good advice you’ve been given’ or ‘share some of your own advice’ – but I’ve decided to go for the latter!  With only teenage years under my belt I can’t speak with a voice of wisdom, so relatively practical it shall be.  For today. 🙂

My main ‘advice’? (I feel kinda silly calling it that, but let’s go with it!).  Fill your days.  From start to finish!  I’m always going on about my affinity for early mornings but they honestly do make suchhh a difference.  It’s amazing how much you can fit into a day haha.  It made me laugh a little when one of my teachers asked if I ‘get out much’ because I said I’d definitely be able to finish a (pretty big) project.  Erm… yes I do!  I get out plenty.  Going out, doing homework, exercising, blogging and whatever else can all be fit in, when your days off start at 7am or earlier too.  You can fit the nerdy stuff, the not-so-nerdy stuff, the sporty stuff, the fun stuff, the boring stuff all into one.

I’m mainly talking about teenage life really: I’m clearly in no position to advise beyond!  The fact that I (mostly) used every hour of the day possible during April, May and June is what I’m crediting for my still having a life during exam season.  Sure, I did a bajillion hours of revision that paid off in the end,  but I still had a social life, exercised, blogged and had downtime too.  My Instagram will tell you that I spent the night before my last two exams sat around in the garden doing zero revision whatsoever haha, so I’m no machine!  Buttt again I must bring up the early mornings:  I only managed this because I didn’t do the typical teenage lie-ins.  No way I could have had a life if I’d only woken up at 11.  Now I know I’m not average here, so if someone has arguments in favour of late mornings, fire away!

If it sounds like I never stop, I promise I do!

A quote I love is that ‘Time enjoyed wasting is not wasted time‘.  Kind of a quote I live by, to be honest!  I’ve done my googling and do believe they’re the wise words of John Lennon, though correct me if I’m wrong.  Productive doesn’t always mean work. Productive can be seeing friends, going out, having a laugh.  I’ll always try to find a way to justify aimless Internet browsing as productive, with varying degrees of success. 🙂


Oh and an outfit too, because I said I wasn’t gonna let the good old OOTDs slip.  Pretty much the outfit I’ve worn all weekend, nothing exciting!  Guess I am a jeans and jumper kinda girl sometimes.  Believe it or not these jeans are a Primark pair, and they actually fit me 10x better than any others I own.  None of the annoying gaping at the back, and the ‘skinny low-rise’ fit come in 34″ inseams which is always a bonus for us tall girls!  I like jeans I can fold up without looking like I’m wearing pedal pushers.  Anddd even after several wears (including a long walk) they haven’t bagged at the knees at all.  I’ll shut up raving now, but for £8 I’m quite impressed.









jeans and jumper: Primark | boots: Forever 21 | jacket and hat: New Look | bag: Topshop | lipstick: Rimmel Kate Moss lipstick, shade 08

lily kate x
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  • Reply
    Sabina B
    2nd November 2014 at 6:40 pm

    Love the burgundy color, nice jacket and bag!


    • Reply
      lily kate
      2nd November 2014 at 10:33 pm

      Thank you! They work pretty well together don’t they!

  • Reply
    Amy Liddell
    2nd November 2014 at 9:48 pm

    Beautiful photos!

    http://www.saltandchic.com // UK Fashion Blog

    • Reply
      lily kate
      2nd November 2014 at 10:33 pm


  • Reply
    3rd November 2014 at 4:04 am

    I should take your advice. If I start off the day with some exercise, maybe some yoga, I might have a better day. I find my days slip away from me too fast. And adding more hours at the end of the day, are usually more of the wasted hours, I mean really wasted, ahem, er… playing video games after the kids are asleep and reading in the bathtub, type wasted. Then I am tired at the beginning of the next day. So let’s give your idea a try.

    • Reply
      lily kate
      3rd November 2014 at 5:40 pm

      I started my workout routine back up today and felt so much better! Although I waste hours at the end of the day too, taking far too long over silly things like having a brew 😉 If you enjoy your video games, it isn’t wasted at all!

  • Reply
    3rd November 2014 at 5:12 pm

    Solid advice, Lily, even for those of us well beyond the teenage years! (Although I swear it does not seem like it was 23 years ago for me!)

    • Reply
      lily kate
      3rd November 2014 at 5:42 pm

      Thank you Shae! I feel like I might seem silly giving ‘advice’ as a teenager, but I’m glad you like it!

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