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4 In fitness

my own worst enemy


Eating my own words already!  After saying only yesterday that I wanted to take my workouts up a notch this week, I’ve decided to do the exact opposite.  I headed out for a run shortly after yesterday’s post and embarrassingly had to call my dad to pick me up only 25 minutes in haha.  Talk about hardcore ey. ;)  That weird hip that’s been bothering me for ages started playing up again, and the other one decided to join the party and hurt to run on too.  Usually I take a couple of days off when my hips/back/whatever have been sore,  carrying on as usual shortly after.  Finally I thought it about time I gave myself a proper rest for once!

I work out about between 4 and 6 times per week, usually for under an hour.  So nothing too excessive.  Waking up and throwing on a sports bra etc. is pretty much habit for me, and I usually feel antsy after more than a few days without.  I’m probably my own worst enemy: I don’t allow myself enough time to feel better before I’m at it with the HIIT again.  Plus, silly reasoning of mine goes something like ‘If I’m gonna get up early to workout, I might as well make it a tough one’, so usually I pick a video of the super-energetic variety.  Don’t help myself, do I?  For the last few months I’ve been modifying any exercises placing particular strain on my hip flexors (leg lifts, I’m looking at you) and subbing in my own form of crunch-esque thing to do the same job, ish.  Each time I think it’ll be alright and run or something it kinda hurts again, so I think it’s about time I learnt my lesson and took some time off!

Exercising is such a habit for me; I feel so much more energised afterwards that I’m almost reluctant to hang fire.  I’ll have to force myself to take it easy!  I’m aiming for a super healthy week anyway.  I knowww you’re not supposed to think that way, but I’m a girl with a hearty appetite and I kinda try to balance the two in some way.  So here’s to a week of being ‘good’ haha, wish me luck!  Actually, there’s nothing stopping me from upper body day… I’ll get my sore muscles fix that way. 🙂

Anybody else find you hold yourself back by trying too hard?

lily kate x
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  • Reply
    28th October 2014 at 5:44 pm

    Try swimming! You can use leg floats and only do arms our you can do freestyle / crawl. Just don’t do breast stroke! You can also do restorative yoga. It will probably take a few weeks to properly heal. Go slowly.

    • Reply
      lily kate
      30th October 2014 at 11:12 am

      Thanks Kathy! I haven’t been swimming in ages but maybe I should take it up! I’m getting there slowly 🙂

  • Reply
    31st October 2014 at 1:47 am

    Ouch! Sorry to hear about that! I hate it when I have issues when running. I was getting a lot of pain in my foot a few months ago but it seems to be okay for the moment = phew!

    Corinne x

    • Reply
      lily kate
      31st October 2014 at 6:11 pm

      lucky you! it’s so annoying because I want to keep going but don’t want to make it worse 🙁

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