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7 In fashion/ ramblings

thoughts | fedora hats and blogging ideas

Brunette girl wearing dusty pink fedora hat

My black fedora finally has a friend, so now I have two options for the days when hair washing isn’t on the agenda.  I don’t wear many hats – thin beanies look like swimming caps (so sexy) and no matter how many fedoras, floppy hats, boater hats etc. I try on (read: every single one) most just don’t seem to sit right.  So that’s why I absolutely must buy the one that actually fits.


I wish I had more thoughts on life than ‘here’s my new hat’ to offer today, but I don’t think I do.  I wish I had more bloggy ‘stuff’ to offer in general really!  Tips, ideas, inspiration, tutorials whatever – I’d love to put out useful posts like that all the time.  Because really, knowing what’s occuring in my life doesn’t help anybody in the slightest, does it?  I’ve no idea how many people actually like reading my diary posts (thank you to those who comment saying you do!) but I’m gonna continue writing them as personal records anyway.  Just don’t want to seem self-absorbed and come across like I think people are desperate to know what I got up to last Wednesday, because I’m not.  I’m no fountain of knowledge though, unfortunately, just an 18-year-old girl making her way through life.  Occasionally offering a few hints and tips that I’ve picked up so far.

Anyway, I digress.  It’s sometimes a difficult one, this ‘blog ideas’ stuff!   Somebody asked me today if it’s difficult thinking of something new to write, and it’d never really occurred to me before that trying to think of X number of new ‘things’ to write about is bound to be difficult, sometimes. But you know what, sometimes it’s the easiest thing ever and I’ll throw out 1000 words in no time, and sometimes it frustrates me no end that a blog post won’t just write itself.  Swings and roundabouts.  My 2016 predictions were spot on, weren’t they?


So yeah, here’s me wearing a new hat, photos taken at the weekend because it’s cold and dark and rainy every other time I’m home.  Other than telling you to go grab one from Primark before they’re all gone (£4!!!) I have nothing to add – I’m not going to tell you 10 ways to style it or how wearing hats can revolutionise your style, don’t worry.  Looks good with cosy jumpers though.

lily kate x

follow me on bloglovin | twitter | instagram | youtube | email me | images by Amanda France Photography


  • Reply
    14th January 2016 at 1:02 pm

    I did a survey on my blog recently and found that people actually prefer reading personal posts as opposed to posts with tips and tutorials. I think you can actually learn a lot and find inspiration just by reading about other people’s lives.

    Back when I started blogging 7 years ago people only really wrote about their personal lives, and in a way I hate that the blogging world has become filled with the same old generic tips and advice. It’s the personal posts that make a blog stand out and make it unique. 🙂

    • Reply
      lily kate
      17th January 2016 at 8:08 am

      That’s really interesting that your survey came out with personal posts on top – maybe I should stick to those for the most part then! Inadvertant inspiration like you say. Maybe all those ‘tips’ posts are good for getting click throughs, but people actually stay around and enjoy the personal ones more. 🙂

  • Reply
    14th January 2016 at 8:24 pm

    Hi, Lily!
    Don’t worry, I think more people like those “What’s up with my life” posts more than you think. 😉 Because we all are nosy at some point, aren’t we? 😀 It is interesting to know what’s going on in other people’s lives! And not a lot of people are ready to share information that is quite personal (like daily life). Also, you need to have interesting enough daily life to write about it. 😀 Aaand, yeah, writting tips and tricks is useful for those people who are actually looking for that advice. But in lifestyle blogs? I think readers appreciate personality, at least I do. 🙂

    • Reply
      lily kate
      17th January 2016 at 8:12 am

      And that makes me very happy! I know I’m very nosy at least. 😛 I sometimes feel like my week hasn’t been exciting enough to merit writing about haha, but it pushes you to find interesting things in everyday life. I’m so glad you like the ‘personality’! You have the loveliest personality ever and that really comes across in your blog too 😀

  • Reply
    16th January 2016 at 1:16 am

    I need more hats! I love the colour of this one!
    Tegan xx – Permanent Procrastination

    • Reply
      lily kate
      17th January 2016 at 9:00 am

      Always need more hats! This one’s a lovely colour isn’t it 😀

  • Reply
    Suze - Luxury Columnist
    16th January 2016 at 9:38 am

    The hat looks wonderful on you and what a bargain – I’ve got loads of different ones, love them in Winter!

    Suze | LuxuryColumnist

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