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6 In writing challenge

november writing challenge | day 9 | gadgets


“What gadgets did you use today?”

This shan’t be a lengthy one, I don’t have anything too fancy!  I basically have my iPod touch and phone with me all day every day though.  What teenager doesn’t?  My phone is a Nokia ‘brick’ as it’s become known that is absolutely indestructible – seemingly near enough waterproof too -  and suits me just fine.  People are sometimes surprised that it isn’t a replacement phone, but I actually choose to have it haha.  Makes calls and sends texts. :P  Clumsy me has cracked (well, smashed) my iPod screen so it’s probably a good job my phone is of the more substantial variety.   Don’t know what I’d do without my iPod for Instagram though! Plus, Nokia battery life anyone?

I’m more of a pen and paper girl myself whenever possible.  Loads of bloggers say they swear by apps and have everything organised on their phone, but personally I much prefer an open notebook in front of me.  Obviously blogging and social media is all about the online life (for which I love these little chunky business laptops we have at home) but all my notes and lists are in a little diary.  I’m so glad to see the back of powerpoint coursework and stuff from school too, something always seems to go wrong when emailing files and memory sticks are involved!  It’s funny how we’re glued to our phones so often but loads of other teenagers I know would rather write something by hand than type.

I can’t actually think of any other gadgets I use!  *Crappy post I know*

Are you glued to your gadgets, or are you more old school like me?

lily kate x

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  • Reply
    9th November 2014 at 6:02 pm

    I have a tablet but I use my journal more to write down my thoughts, blog posts and poems 😉 I like pen and paper more!

    • Reply
      lily kate
      9th November 2014 at 7:25 pm

      You’re like me ;D Can never have enough journals and notebooks!

  • Reply
    9th November 2014 at 7:23 pm

    My work phone is a Nokia and the battery lasts over a week. Mental!

    Corinne x

    • Reply
      lily kate
      9th November 2014 at 7:27 pm

      It’s great isn’t it! Mine just lasts for a few days, much better than my iPod that barely lasts a day!

  • Reply
    10th November 2014 at 3:22 am

    Happy birthday Lily!! I see that I just missed it, but hopefully, you are stll celebrating. I hope seventeen is wonderful for you!

    And I am not into gadgets much. I have my mum’s old ipad that I use for … er … research? Ok I watch you tube videos on it and look at knitting patterns and keep up with Doctor Who news. I don’t have a mobile phone.

    It has been nice having all these November posts from you, and it is great that this is your birthday month.

    • Reply
      lily kate
      10th November 2014 at 6:13 pm

      Thank you so much Max!
      Of course that counts as research ;D
      Glad you’re liking the posts! Photos are proving to be the most difficult part but I’m really enjoying writing so often.

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