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why I pinned it

Taking the random that little bit further today!  It’s late and I haven’t posted in a couple of days.  Forgive the obscurity, pls.  Pinterest is a facilitator in random procrastination so today I bring you… a selection of my fave pins and why I pinned ’em.  Enjoy. 🙂


(Click each photo for link)

This miniature dolls house.  Inside a frickin tree!  Now I don’t know about you, but exceptionally small and exceptionally large things hold equal interest for me.  Alongside my fascination for mega scale engineering projects and mega scale night sky, I’m slightly obsessed with all things miniature too, and this house, well, I want to live there.  So adorable!  So cute!  So cosy!  As a little kid I wanted to live with the Borrowers or in Brambly Hedge, and not much has changed other than my acceptance that as a full-sized human being, treehouses aren’t really a viable option.  Dammit. Still want a miniature one in my bedroom.


Lots of teacups and bras.  And cake and lace and macarons and suspenders.  Standard stuff!  For textiles this is btw, not just random photos that caught my eye.  I thought ‘Afternoon Tea’ as a theme by itself could get pretty boring so I’ve gone for a boudoir slant on it to mix things up on it.  Think ‘sexy Alice’ or ‘saucy cups and saucers’.


Neckerchiefs.  Just one example of many fashion-y ‘things’ that I decide I like the style of, search on Pinterest, find 20 photos of girls pulling off oh-so-perfectly, then try on myself and look ridiculous.  Ahh life.


A million and one blog tips articles.  A never-ending learning curve, this blogging malarkey!  Always another thing we could be doing to make the most of our online space.  Always another pin luring me through to the recipe for blogging success too.


Cat texts.  Oh my gawdddd I am easily amused.  embarrassingly so.  I’m that much of a saddo that I’ve actually tried pulling this trick on several people, to varying degrees of (their) amusement and great degrees of mine.


Wrist tattoos.  Not long until mine now!  I’m gonna start with the tiniest of tiny ones but those mandala designs are so tempting too.  I like the neatness of them haha.  Maybe one day!


‘Surround yourself with people who get it’.  One I should probably remind myself of sometimes.  One of many quotes, that is.  I’m all for pinning thoughtful quotes then um… doing the opposite.


Tanned legs and white bedding.  What is it about this combo?


Man buns.  Ohhhh, man buns.  Mmmm.  Forget personal taste, if you don’t like them, you’re wrong.  I haven’t killed a good deal of time ‘researching’ these on Pinterest or anything…


Personal touches.  Like this tiny embroidered detail on a shirt.  Me likey.


Slytherin.  I’m strangely drawn to it.  What that says about me, I don’t know, but I suppose there’s that whole thing between Snape and Lily Potter so maybe Slytherin ain’t so bad after all?  Idk, must rewatch for the 53rd time.


Flexibility.  Something fascinating about the way the human body can make such beautiful shapes.  There’s a reason those bendy yoga babes are so famous on Insta!


J-Law.  No explanation necessary.  Girl crush forever.


Cool knit and crochet pieces.  I didn’t have much time for knitting/crocheting over the summer and sure as hell don’t have time to breathe these days!  I’ll never stop wanting to make things though.


Obsession with quirky animal prints.  Fox tights!  On a par with cat shorts!  Maybe I’ll grow up one day?


Lake Bled.   Never been, but it looks damn cool.  I’m sure there are other stunning lakes and landscapes, this one’s just caught my eye a few times lately!  Looks like a sunnier Lake District and I wanna go find a peaceful place on a lakeside and zone out somewhere like this for a week.  Can you blame me?


Blog posts I’ve liked.  I comment on blogs and tweet people but sometimes I just fancy pinning instead/as well.  So if you’re after some good bloggy reading and are bored of me, go check a few of these out!

(Oh did I mention that I’m on Pinterest?  You should totally go follow me. :P)

lily kate x

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  • Reply
    19th September 2015 at 9:53 am

    I always use pinterest to pin photography inspiration or poses I like or just general cute things. Love the little book tree! It’s so cute!

    xx Bash | Hey Bash | bloglovin’

    • Reply
      lily kate
      27th September 2015 at 11:26 am

      I use it for photo inspiration too! Then if I try to copy the poses it goes badly wrong haha 😛
      It’s adorable isn’t it!

  • Reply
    favourite memories from slovenia | 12 things that made my trip special - Joli House
    5th October 2016 at 9:16 pm

    […] images of Slovenia, and certainly one that Pinterest loves to bits.  I did infact include it in my Pinterest favourites post last year, so as you can imagine I was pretty damn chuffed to have the chance to make a daytrip there!  No […]

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