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2 In fashion

january | a new khaki coat


Feels like it’s been a while since my last casual outfit / casual chatty catchup post, so that’s what I’m going with tonight!  With a Christmas present outfit, obviously.  They’ll continue to be Christmas Present Clothes ’til at least March.

So yeah, life lately.  Looks like January is gonna be pretty busy already!  We have mock exams this month (yeah they’re only mocks, but still) and a textiles deadline with about 50 things to hand in by the end of the month, so there’s that keeping me busy.  Very busy.  So far this month I’ve made a start on my ‘going places for the sake of it‘ resolution, (Tuesday afternoon drive and wander up a hill, anyone?), worked my ass off (almost literally) in the gym a few times, and had a couple of chilled-ish times too.  And *accidentally* eaten a load of chocolate that I said I wasn’t going to, and sat down in what was clearly a mini puddle and then seemed shocked that I ended up with a soaking bum.  Genius.

I’ve managed so far by waking up really early and going to bed really late some days, which probably isn’t that sustainable an approach but I’ll give it a shot for now!  I crammed the start and end of my study day with gym and college work and filled the afternoon with more fun stuff.  Turns out the gym is actually pretty busy at 6:30am! It’s the time to go if you want some space to actually move in the weights section though, because despite the surprised looks I always get, yes I would like to use the squat rack and the barbell, thank ya.  My brain seems to go through a sleepy phase around 9pm then kick in again around 11, so maybe that’s the way forward.  More naps maybe?  I don’t know.  I’m rambling.


I’ve worn this coat lots this month too. 😛  Mum knows my taste well!  I have a bit of a thing for coats and have a pretty decent collection, if I do say so myself.  That’s what happens when you do all your growing before age 13 – no more growing out of anything ever, and you build up quite a collection of stuff!  I still love my brown spinny coat (coat dress?) but this khaki one’s is my current babe.  Long-ish but not Doctor Who long; coloured but not in-your-face coloured.  I like.  Duvet Coat hasn’t had many outings this winter what with it not actually being that cold so I’m liking this less poofy alternative.


coat and top : New Look


My top’s a christmas present from my Nan too – my family all gave me things that go together just nicely!  The bag from my Nan would’ve co-ordinated oh so perfectly too, but I erm, forgot to pick it up.  I guess having a blog makes me the easiest person to buy for ever.  I did profess my love for polonecks about 50 times. 😀


How’s January treating you so far?  I fully expect that I’ll be absolutely exhausted by the end of the month, but I’ve lots of fun stuff to look forward to, and a nice weekend break at the end of it too.  Here’s to hoping January motivation lasts!

lily kate x

follow me on bloglovin | twitter | instagram | youtube | email me | images by Amanda France Photography


  • Reply
    Bash Harry
    8th January 2016 at 7:53 am

    Yikes, you have Mocks? Good luck Lily! January sounds like it’s gonna be a busy year! I wish you all the best year! (And can I just say the coat is GORGEOUS?!)

    xx Bash | H E Y   B A S H | bloglovin’

    • Reply
      lily kate
      9th January 2016 at 8:57 am

      Sadly yeah, mocks are coming up this month! How did your exams go?
      Wish you more than the best for 2016 – you deserve it!

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