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12 In blogging/ lifestyle

the 21 commandments of blogger events

Thou shalt fret about outfits.  ‘Best summer outfit’ dress code on a rainy grey day, for example.  The struggle is real.  #Jet2Sunchester, the irony!


Thou shalt give no sh*ts about taking photos in public.  Being with other bloggers makes it ok.

Thou shalt assume everyone knows everyone, and awkwardly float.


Thou shalt appreciate free cocktails.

Thou shalt remain surgically attached to camera and phone.


Thou shalt look antisocial when staring at phone.  Frantically following everyone on twitter counts as sociable, dw.

Thou shalt discuss cameras, lots.

Thou shalt ask “have we spoken on twitter?” repeatedly.


Thou shalt take plenty shameless selfies, and bat no eyelids at others taking shameless selfies.

Thou shalt photobomb.  Accidentally and deliberately.


Thou shalt participate in every photo set up, be it inflatable flamingo, fish background or otherwise.


Thou shalt realise nobody knows anyone, and introduce oneself and make friends.  Simple.

Thou shalt forget whether you have met before, or seen 73 weeks of their Instagram.

Thou shalt spill something down oneself whilst carrying too many bags and hope nobody noticed.



Thou shalt embrace glitter faces if glitter faces are what’s happening.



Thou shalt collect all the brochures and leaflets to read later.

Thou shalt devour the canapes.

Thou shalt appreciate the goodie bag gifts.  Portable phone chargers and lipbalm – they know us bloggers well.



Thou shalt make appearances in as many vlogs as possible.  Hey Paula’s Youtube!

Thou shalt photograph the goodie-bag cookie before eating it.  #Bloggerproblems.

Thou shalt lust after the tropical gardens at Hotel Botanico… whilst on the train back to rainy Preston.


Thank you Jet2Holidays for inviting me along!  I had a fab afternoon and left with A) lots of new bloggy pals, B) a half glittery face and C) a need to go to Malta.  So much temptation.  Also congrats to Jane and Jess on winning a holiday each – your reactions were great. :D  Was lovely to meet Daisy, Jessica, Paula, Holly, Holly P, Erin, Rodica, Ellie and many more!

lily kate x

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  • Reply
    3rd April 2016 at 10:21 am

    It was such a good day!! Xx

    • Reply
      lily kate
      6th April 2016 at 5:58 pm


  • Reply
    Kathy Cakebread
    3rd April 2016 at 1:35 pm

    Haha that’s so true – and everything is a hash tag ! Looked like a fun event what were they promoting?

    • Reply
      lily kate
      6th April 2016 at 5:59 pm

      Yes everythingggg is a hashtag! Makes it easy to find everybody’s blog posts and photos afterwards haha 😀 It was ran by Jet2Holidays promoting their destinations!

  • Reply
    Paula Melissa
    3rd April 2016 at 5:04 pm

    Ahh it was so great to meet you, Lily!! And I am tots fangirling that I have been mentioned haha. I will see you soon xx

    • Reply
      lily kate
      6th April 2016 at 6:03 pm

      Was fab meeting you too Paula! Of course I was going to mention you 😀 You shall indeed!

  • Reply
    Emma Hart
    3rd April 2016 at 5:55 pm

    It was such a great day 🙂 I didn’t get chance to get my glitter face though – I got my nails done instead! Sorry I didn’t get to meet you but hopefully our paths will cross again at another event!

    • Reply
      lily kate
      6th April 2016 at 6:08 pm

      Hopefully we’ll have another chance to meet yes! So difficult to circulate and meet everybody haha 🙂 I didn’t get chance to have my nails done either, I went for the glitter face instead. It was a fab day though!

  • Reply
    3rd April 2016 at 10:14 pm

    That glitter face is amazing, though what I wish to know is how long did it take to get off?! Also Malta is brill, I’ve been loads and absolutely love it! x
    Amy at Amy & More

    • Reply
      lily kate
      6th April 2016 at 6:15 pm

      I managed to peel most of mine off at the end of the event – didn’t quite fancy rocking up at Preston train station with it on! But it took a good few cotton wool pads and toner to get the rest off haha. I’m dying to go there, it looks amazing! What kind of trips have you been on?

  • Reply
    11th April 2016 at 4:57 pm

    Lovely sort of meeting you quickly! Floating around is a definite must 🙂

    • Reply
      lily kate
      13th April 2016 at 5:57 pm

      Lovely meeting you too! Not enough time to chat to everyone properly haha 😛

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