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5 In fashion


Dragonfly charm ring from StyleiCan. Worn by Lily Kate from jolihouse.com


This one’s one of my fave collabs in a while!  Mainly because it’s really been a true collaboration, where we met in person first and have taken things from there.  That and the fact that this jewellery is so damn pretty.  Antonia and I both attended the Hiscox entrepreneurs workshop in Manchester back in May, and although we didn’t have the chance to speak much on the day, we started emailing shortly afterwards.  She was on the hunt for a model and photographer to take product shots for her new jewellery and accessories site, and apparently our style fit the bill!



I like that the chains are a little chunkier than standard dainty jewellery chains.  They don’t fade into nothing, which is often a shame with more delicate pieces.


Antonia asked if we could use this rustic backdrop, which is without a doubt THE perfect location in that evening light I raved on about the other day!


Aren’t the dragonflies so cute?  I originally thought dragonfly jewellery might be vaguely reminiscent of that you’d pick up in Claire’s age 9, but I need never fear haha.  Far from it. 🙂



My jewellery collection is looking pretty strong now!  I often rush out the house forgetting to wear any (well, recently been heading out without brushing my hair so probably shouldn’t have expectations too high), but I’m trying to remember to wear more of it, more often.  Especially rings.  This one has a dangly dragonfly charm so it’s brilliant to fiddle with too, extra bonus for the child in me that can’t stop tapping and messing around with things!



As you can see, the jewellery itself is GORGEOUS!   Pretty unique too – I really like the slightly beaten look of these handcrafted pieces. So yeah, because we’re being all collaborative and supportive of local(ish) businesses and that, go check out a fellow northern blogger’s shop and use discount code styleican10 for 10% off anything that takes your fancy!




Gonna leave that there as I’m off to my first proper pilates class!  I’d originally booked Death Spinning (technically ‘Energy Zone Spinning’ but ‘death’ feels more appropriate) then swapped for pilates this morning ’cause my joints don’t feel up to it after last night’s first 10k in a long while.  Swear I’m 17 going on 70 with my knees and hips and cracky back.  Oh well.  Hopefully pilates will do me good!

lily kate x

follow me on bloglovin | twitter | instagram | youtube | email me | images by Amanda France Photography




  • Reply
    23rd August 2015 at 9:37 am

    Before I read your blog I saw the pic on FB and was going to ask where you got your necklace as it’s beautiful xx

    • Reply
      lily kate
      24th August 2015 at 12:37 pm

      It’s lovely isn’t it! Remember to use the discount if you buy any haha 😀

  • Reply
    23rd August 2015 at 10:18 pm

    These pieces are all so pretty and unique, I have never seen a jewellery brand similar to this!

    Infinity of fashion// Lucy Jane

    • Reply
      lily kate
      24th August 2015 at 12:42 pm

      I hadn’t either! I love everything about the pieces 😀

  • Reply
    2 years! - Joli House
    1st September 2015 at 8:01 am

    […] the time and the blog already existed so why not.  I’ve recently answered a Q and A over at StyleICan with some overlapping questions, so go check that out […]

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