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15 In fashion

great gatsby ball | 4 different looks

Fringed Gatsby style dress and black choker necklace


Not often you get he chance to dress up all fancy so you’ve gotta make the most of it when you can!  A friend hosted a Great Gatsby themed fundraiser ball on Friday and it turned out to be quite the night.  Everyone made such an effort – all the guys were suited and booted and the girls were all ‘gatsby-fied’ in fancy dresses.  Loved it 😀  Was kinda like prom again but with extra people, and no teachers around to keep things tame so we embraced the speakeasy spirit haha.  Thank you so much to Holly for organising, she did so well!

Anyway, what I wore!  I ended up with a few options on the night after asking around if anybody had anything 20s style I could borrow.  Then decided on the night which to actually wear.  Was a difficult choice!  I thought I’d share all 4 on here though because they’re all cute dresses and it seemed a shame not to.  So I ended up kinda playing dress up at home today haha.  Sequins, feathers, fringe or some combination of the 3 seemed to be most girls choices, but it was just fun to see everyone dressed up in general really!  ‘Dressed up’ rather than full on ‘fancy dress’, which I liked.

So, option no. 1!


This one’s super slinky and I think that gives it a subtle 20s vibe without being OTT.  I’m not sure if black and white is Gatsby related in any way but that’s the theme I seemed to end up with!  I wore a metallic headband feather thingy too but that had to go back to the fancy dress shop before today, so just use your imagination there!  I did really like this dress, but whilst the underwear situation is alright for taking photos (hellooooo sideboob), I’m not sure how reliable it would’ve been for an evening’s partying.  Didn’t chance that one 🙂


Option no.2 – another beautiful dress!  This one’s so swishy and glitzy and fun to wear.  Not too much to say really, other than that I love it!  I know some very nice people with some very good taste in clothes don’t I?  This one’s vintage French Connection.  I’ve never worn this floaty midi silhouette before as it really needs the heels and usually that’s a no-no for me (#tallgirlproblems) but I wasn’t too fussed about that this time round!  I quite like the booties with it rather than typical ‘dressy heels’ too.



Option no. 3 – more black!  The fringing on this one probably makes it most ‘Gatsby-ish’.  Everyone who wore fringe dresses looked so good on the dancefloor too!  Again, I really liked this one but it was just a little too big for me.



Option no.4 – the one I actually wore!  This was a lucky find in the Matalan sale.  Bit of a LBD trend going on here, if you hadn’t noticed.  The all over sequins left me with a load of scratches under my arms the next morning but no pain, no gain I guess!  Looking at these photos now I’d maybe have picked one of the others but this one worked easiest with shoes and underwear and all that stuff.  Just need another Gatsby themed ball to come along in the near future, like they do!


Couple more snapshots of the night on my Instagram, complete with feather headband.  I had such a good time, and loads of money was raised for charity too which is always a bonus  Thank you to Michelle, Roxy and Colette for lending me your lovely dresses too! Have you ever been to a themed ball?

lily kate x

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  • Reply
    A Johnson
    8th March 2015 at 9:43 pm

    I’ve never been to a themed ball but I love all the dresses! They are all pretty in their unique way. I definitely would have picked the one you wore or option #2. Glad you had fun!

    • Reply
      lily kate
      10th March 2015 at 8:41 pm

      This was my first themed ball! Reallyyy need an excuse to wear no.2 now haha 😀 Thank you!

  • Reply
    9th March 2015 at 4:12 am

    My junior prom was Gatsby themed! And my senior prom was Alice in Wonderland.

    • Reply
      lily kate
      10th March 2015 at 8:45 pm

      Ahh that’s so cool! We only have one prom here when we leave high school at 16. Need more occasions to dress up!

      • Reply
        11th March 2015 at 7:40 pm

        I’m not sure about other U.S. high schools, but at mine we had a prom every year where the juniors and seniors (years 3 and 4, age 16-18) were allowed to go, and freshmen and sophomores (years 1 and 2, age 14-16) could go if they were invited by a junior or senior. That was a really confusing sentence, oops.

        • Reply
          lily kate
          12th March 2015 at 8:44 pm

          That’s so cool that you get 2 proms! I get what you mean 🙂

  • Reply
    9th March 2015 at 6:34 pm

    That is so pretty, the four outfits! I really like the #3 dress, such a pity you didn’t fit in it! But yout final choice is so great, and as I said it on Instagram you were gorgeous!
    I wish I could attend to such a themed party! Actually my prom dress back in high school used to have a tiny ’20s spirit, but unfortunately my father ironed it so it has a big hole right on the butt..! And mending it would be too obvious, this is the kind of fabric you can’t repair easily… *sigh*

    • Reply
      lily kate
      10th March 2015 at 8:51 pm

      Thank you so much! #3 is so cute and fits the theme so well doesn’t it!
      So annoying when that kind of thing happens! Staining clothes by spilling food or drinks is my usual trick haha!

  • Reply
    10th March 2015 at 1:39 am

    Never have been to a Gadsby event, but it is good to see Lily back with fashionable pictures of her awesome style and beauty!

    • Reply
      lily kate
      10th March 2015 at 8:57 pm

      This was my first! Thank you so much!

  • Reply
    Gareth From StyleHoney.com
    11th March 2015 at 12:12 pm

    Gorgeous styling. Love that first outfit; the floral like detailing on the top strap is lovely x

    • Reply
      lily kate
      11th March 2015 at 2:41 pm

      Thank you! It’s such a cute dress isn’t it? I know people with very good taste!

  • Reply
    Hollie Garner
    11th March 2015 at 1:50 pm

    oh wow! They are all so gorgeous! I love the one you choose but also number 3 is so pretty! xx

    • Reply
      lily kate
      11th March 2015 at 2:43 pm

      They’re beautiful aren’t they! Any would’ve been great to wear! 😀

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