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10 In fashion/ writing challenge

november writing challenge | day 15 | strengths


“What is your greatest strength?”

There’s a fine line between tooting my own horn and choosing my greatest strengths, but that’s the question for today so I’ll try my best. 🙂

I’d say one of the strongest parts of my personality is my ability to just ‘get stuff done’, or that’s what others have said to me anyway! Mainly in reference to waking myself up at 5:30, and the self discipline that takes. People think I’m weird, would you believe! I’m not usually one for leaving things ’til the last minute (with a few exceptions, ofc) and I think that’s a positive that I’m good at telling myself to just crack on. Means I can fit more into my day, because I’m nearly always doing something or other.

Similarly, I reckon I’m fairly good at persevering when things aren’t going brilliantly, and carrying on regardless. Picking myself up after setbacks, if you will! In several different ways really. Guess it helps to just make a habit of sticking with things really, as it doesn’t really cross my mind to give up or slow down! I’m sure many other bloggers will know what I mean in bloggy terms – when the posts you put most effort into don’t receive as much feedback as you’d maybe hoped, for example.

Another strength, I suppose, is that I think I’m pretty good at making people feel at ease to talk to! Everyone says that my mum is the absolute best at this, so I must get it from her. Knowing that you make others feel comfortable and relaxed is so nice.  I really really try not to judge people, as I’ve seen time and time again that first impressions aren’t everything, and you can get along so so well with people that you have little to nothing in common with!


Outfit shots in a dance studio after finishing work this morning!  Just like last time, the light in there was lovely and there’s tons of room to prance around.  Evidently the poloneck obsession continues!  I’ll wear something different soon enough, I promise.  This bag was another birthday gift, and it seems to be one of those that goes with absolutely anything.  All black everything isn’t really my style, so I had to add in a few little bits and pieces to break it up.  Would’ve genuinely stressed me out to have nothing but black haha, couldn’t deal with it.  I’m weird.  So, purple shoes and purply-pink scarf (coincidentally purple nails too) sorted that crisis out for me!  Plain black tights with a plain black dress would’ve been a bit boring too, and I preferred this subtly stripy pair.  Primark are really good for their patterned tights, as well as the famously warm fleece lined ones that we can’t live without.


dress: Coco Boo boutique | shoes: Dorothy Perkins | bag: New Look | scarf: Miss Selfridge (old) | tights: Primark


Flippy dress in a dance studio, what could I do but spin and twirl?  Outtakes where I appear to be levitating/ seem to have only one leg shall be saved for another time.


Oh and if it looks like I had a bouncy blowdry all nicely prepared, that couldn’t be further from the truth haha.  Took my hair down from a messy bun after running around with 5 year olds.






lily kate x
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  • Reply
    girl blussh
    16th November 2014 at 9:01 am

    lovely !!

    • Reply
      lily kate
      16th November 2014 at 9:16 pm

      thank you!

  • Reply
    Claire Miller
    16th November 2014 at 10:00 am

    Awesome shots 🙂 I think you must share your photos on http://www.voguedrobe.com, too 🙂

    • Reply
      lily kate
      16th November 2014 at 9:17 pm

      Thank you! I’ll check it out! 😀

  • Reply
    16th November 2014 at 6:39 pm

    Looking stunning as always!

    Do you get up at 5.30 every day? What do you do? I really struggle to get myself out of bed but would love to get up a bit earlier to get my workout out of the way so I don’t have to think about it when I get home!

    Corinne x

    • Reply
      lily kate
      16th November 2014 at 9:39 pm

      Thank you very much Corinne! I do most days before college yes; I wouldn’t be able to fit workouts in easily any other time! Before everyone else is up is my favourite time. I’ve sort of trained myself to be able to be strict and force myself up, and to know when that extra hour of sleep is just necessary! When I get home I’d rather be able to relax without feeling like I should workout, so it suits me 🙂

      • Reply
        16th November 2014 at 10:08 pm

        Ahh! I’m so jealous of your motivation. You might have just convinced me to give it a go. Maybe. Can I get up at that time to work out?

  • Reply
    17th November 2014 at 6:07 am

    Oh my, I so wish we were back in England. I felt like I bought out Next while we were there! lol.

  • Reply
    layer upon layer - Joli House
    25th January 2015 at 8:17 pm

    […] you’re supposed to button both sides of a bag.  Ah well.  The zip on my New Look bag from my birthday kept breaking (and then miraculously fixing itself… and then breaking again) so we exchanged […]

  • Reply
    Jackie Manning
    7th April 2016 at 5:28 pm

    Really loved your photos – just one or two thoughts! With dark hair perhaps a white polo neck may have broken up the darkness of the outfit, or how about a nice piece of bright necklace jewellery, gold or silver to dress the high collar.
    Something I like to do with my polo necks is to often wear my hair up off my neck so the collar is fully on view, it is a very chic and feminine look I recommend you should try!

    Love & Best wishes

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