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positive thoughts | a life during A levels

Teen blogger with long straight brunette hair


I literally feel like I could start every single weekend post by saying that ‘it’s been a long week’, but I guess that just means I should stop expecting my weeks to go quickly doesn’t it?  Although I can 100% guarantee that this week off (half term THANK THE LORD) will fly by in 2 minutes.  Sod’s law does like to bite me in the ass.  Spoiler to anybody starting A-levels next year: they will suck the life out of you.  You’ll like it, but you’ll rely on coffee a lot.

And now I’ve moaned for a whole paragraph so will stop that right now.  Could continue whining but I shan’t.  Positive thoughts instead!


I’ve just played Cards Against Humanity with people, had one belter of an answer but lost miserably, had a laugh, and am now nice and chilled.

Operation get-back-on-the-fitness-bandwagon went pretty well and I leapt around the living room doing many variations on squats at 6am today.  First day of the holidays and I was up earlier than I am before college – go me. 😀

A couple of people told me I packed a harder punch than they’d expected at Box Fit – go me again!

Healthy eating has gone reasonably well too.  About time treats became exactly that – treats – again.  Once I’m into the mindset, I’m usually fine!  Am kinda hungry now though…

More daylight hours have made me happy.  Later sunsets that I actually get chance to see!!!  I come home in such a better mood when it’s not cold and rainy and dark and grim.  We’ve had some pretty skies this week too, which I still insist on pointing out to anybody I’m with.  Much appreciation for pretty skies.

I popped into Primark for… I can’t even remember what now, and came out with this white top/vest/sleeveless jacket thing that I think I’ll wear absolutely loads.  Humour me and let me pretend the blue skies mean it’s spring already, right?  My white top collection is what some might call excessive, but this one’s completely different and therefore blog post-worthy in my eyes.  One word of advice though: size up!  I’m usually an 8 or 10 depending on the fit/brand but think this might have worked better in a 12.  Maybe.

My physics mock went better than I’d expected.  I’ll skim over the fact that my history mark was a bit bleughhh, and be pleasantly surprised with the physics one instead.  Now time to get my head down even more.

I found a brow pencil that boosts my brow game 10x.  Again, humour me – I know they’re nothing special, but I’m loving the Clinique Skinny brow pencil!  Also a fan of Clinique Bonus Time a.k.a buy 2 products, get a goodie bag with 6 products free.  You hear no complaining about that from me.

I have surprise plans for tomorrow.  Oo er. 🙂


top: Primark | jeans: c/o George at Asda


Nice to be positive about the little things sometimes don’t you think?  Tell me something nice from your week!

lily kate x

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