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slow day


Happy Saturday, hope you’re all feeling better than I am today!  I won’t be melodramatic and pretend I’m terribly ill (I’m not) but let’s just say can only be described as ‘bleuggghhh’.  Yay. 🙂 🙂 🙂  I woke up feeling hungover as hell, but considering all I had to drink was tea and cranberry juice last night, I don’t know what that’s about.  So yeah, today’s been a lazy day feeling kinda lethargic.

‘Lazy day’ involving a good few hours video editing this morning might I add – not all crashing out on the floor!  On Tuesday I visited Nestle and Bombardier to vlog some interviews so I’ve had the edits of those to crack on with.  It’s a pretty cool job getting sent to these places, even if it means regular 7am trains.  Which this time, by some miracle, all went well!  I caught all 5 trains, on time, without doing anything stupid like getting on the wrong train or anything like that.  And walked to the places I needed to be without getting lost, #Proud.  The views from the train through the Staffordshire/Derbyshire countryside were cute, and Nestle and Bombardier were really interesting too look round too, of course!  So yeah, I spent my day off college on multiple trains, seeing tonnes and tonnes (and tonnes) of coffee being made/packaged, climbing CAT ladders onto factory rooftops, and seeing trains being made and tested.  All in a day’s work. 🙂


Today, by contrast, is far more chilled and I’m not complaining!  Hence the photos on the living room floor because I cba leaving the house haha.  Also the rugby is on and as you know, I’ve been strangely getting into that, as a token chillout time.  I’m not normally one for flopping in front of the TV (and I’ll usually be typing away on my laptop whilst it’s on, anyway, like right now) but it’s good to watch.  Cute teacup in hand, obvs – weird tea hangover hasn’t put me off.  And ’cause Pinterest has turned us into saddos with a premature appreciation for cute crockery.  Stationery, that’s alright.  Kitchenware I feel crosses the line.  Somebody help me.


My diary’s pretty full for the next few weeks, so the cosy home-y-ness (defo a word) is appreciated whilst it lasts!  I’m in the Midlands again on Tuesday (Leicestershire this time), at a fireworks display Wednesday night, going for a meal with old friends,  in London for 3 days in half term, Halloween party, visiting Parliament on Bonfire Night, then IT’S MA BIRTHDAY in 3 weeks, woo!  Oh and I’ve a couple of weeks of college to fit around that lot, lol.  I’ll be Instagramming it all so say hi over there, if ya fancy!

So that’s my few words for the day, typed whilst pleasantly melting in front of the fire.  Ahh autumn <3

lily kate x

follow me on bloglovin | twitter | instagram | youtube | email me | images by Amanda France Photography



  • Reply
    18th October 2015 at 1:04 pm

    hope you feel better soon! touring factories sounds really interesting — my civil engineering friend often tours construction sites! also, very envious of the actual (unless it’s a gas one?) fireplace in the background, sounds like an excellent day off

    • Reply
      lily kate
      24th October 2015 at 9:47 pm

      Thanks Wenting! It has been really cool looking round factories, it’s really interesting seeing behind the scenes!
      Our fireplace is indeed a real one, log burner and everything! So cosy 😀

  • Reply
    19th October 2015 at 4:49 am

    Aww, Lily I hope you’re feeling alright. I’m happy you’re relaxing and feeling okay. I wish I could do that but you know… exams haha. Anyway, I hope you’re doing fine I know you are <3

    xx Bash | Hey Bash | bloglovin’

    • Reply
      lily kate
      24th October 2015 at 9:47 pm

      Thank you Bash! I’m fine, just very tired but very grateful nonetheless 😀 When does your exam season last until? Mine doesn’t start until next June!

  • Reply
    19th October 2015 at 6:16 pm

    That does sound busy – but in a nice way! Fireworks and visits with friends are always fun 🙂

    • Reply
      lily kate
      24th October 2015 at 9:48 pm

      Busy but fun is the best way to put it! Both the fireworks and night with old friends were really fun 😀

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