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10 In fashion

‘waterfallin for you’

Brunette wearing Tollied Dolly jacket and blue cropped jeans


First spring(ish) outfit of the year, why not!  House Of Fraser kindly offered me a jacket of my choice, so I thought I’d pick something a little different.  Cute name for this one on the website too!  I don’t own any printed jackets (other than a god-awful rose print one that bought in year 8) so this little floaty one is a nice addition.  It’s from the vintage-y style brand Trollied Dolly, which being honest I wouldn’t have thought was 100% my style but I really like the vintage vibe mixed with other basics.  I like that the print isn’t floral too, they’re some kind of fancy fans that look pretty cute!


jacket: c/o House of Fraser | jeans: Primark | top: Topshop | shoes: Dorothy Perkins | lipstick: Rimmel Lasting Finish by Kate Moss, shade 08

Good old Primark skinnies making an appearance again!  Partly because they go with everything, partly because bare legs wasn’t an option after taking a slice out of my kneecap with a razor this morning.  Funny looking plaster wouldn’t really complete the outfit!  Lesson of the day: slow down and you might actually avoid slicing your legs for the 50th time in your life.  Another lesson would be not to stand up quickly in rooms with low beams, still working on that one!


Super huge super messy bun for today!  It’s kinda the only way to go with hair as frizzy as mine after this morning’s jog in the fog.  The frizziness drives me mad most of the time but a mass of fluff works kinda well as ‘stuffing’ for messy buns.  Quick straighteners job on the fringe and a spritz of dry shampoo and I’m good to go!  I actually didn’t mind the fog whilst I was out – wore a bright jacket dw – even if I did get kinda confused where I was after 40 minutes of pounding the pavements.  Some roads seem so much longer on foot than in the car and you notice so many different things!  I usually have a pretty decent sense of direction (just awful at actually giving directions, apparently) so I just thought sod it and carried on, knowing I’d come out somewhere I knew.  Which I did, exactly where I’d thought!  Just took a little longer, that’s all. 😛



Andddd I’m gonna have to leave this post pretty short as I’ve done that thing where you leave loads of homework until Sunday night and are stuck with a hell of a lot to do.  Usually I’m good at avoiding that one, but I’ve fallen prey to the typical teenager last-minute homework trap this week and should just get on with it.  I got the results I’d wanted in my mocks this week, but now probably isn’t the time to slack off!

lily kate x
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  • Reply
    8th February 2015 at 6:13 pm

    Aww this jacket is so pretty. It reminds me of Mulan. I love how you chose something a bit unique as well. Your hair looks lovely I wish I could figure out how to do mine like this!

    hellomissjordan.blogspot.co.uk xx

    • Reply
      lily kate
      9th February 2015 at 7:34 pm

      Isn’t it just! I hadn’t thought of that one but Mulan sounds good to me. 😛 Thank you! I just backcomb it a little and start tying it in a ponytail, then only pull it half though to form a loop and tuck the ends in, if that makes sense! 6 or 7 hairgrips to make it a nice shape and I’m good to go!

  • Reply
    8th February 2015 at 7:09 pm

    Haha I know that feel about hair! Sometimes I wonder if I am not to buy a shower cap just to go for a run–I might look extremely ridiculous meanwhile, but it might save me some hair straightening job afterwards! Joking apart, I usually have the same hair than Hermione Granger in the books–because let’s be honest, Emma Watson’s hair is beyond perfect starting from the second film! Weirdly, I never thought about messy bun on those frizzy days; usually I feel so frustrated that I do everything in my might to make my hair look sleek… fat chance! 🙂 Thanks for that tip, then!
    I like that fan pattern! Flowers and butterflies are so overrated when it comes to kimono jackets 😀
    Good luck with your homework! xx

    • Reply
      lily kate
      9th February 2015 at 7:37 pm

      I might have to join you on that one haha! The tiniest drop of rain and mine’s such a mess. Same here, I just wish I could have Emma Watson’s hair from the later films rather than when she was 12. Sleek rarely happens for me either!
      The pattern is really cute isn’t it! Thank you! Oh the joys of history essays 🙂

  • Reply
    8th February 2015 at 10:45 pm

    Hey…congrats on the results in the mocks. And on the really cute jacket! Score!!!!!!

    • Reply
      lily kate
      9th February 2015 at 7:38 pm

      Thanks Evie! You might be invigilating my real ones! Woooo 😀

  • Reply
    9th February 2015 at 12:43 pm

    Loving that jacket, loving the hair as well… I really should have a go at the hair, I have enough of it.
    Loving the look as always gorgeous girl
    J xx

    • Reply
      lily kate
      9th February 2015 at 7:42 pm

      Thank you Jeni! You certainly do haha, your’s is so much thicker than mine! Thank ya <3

  • Reply
    Hollie Garner
    9th February 2015 at 4:12 pm

    Beautiful outfit! I think your style is awesome and this whole outfit is gorgeous! And congrats on your results in the mocks! xx

    • Reply
      lily kate
      9th February 2015 at 7:53 pm

      Thank you Hollie! Revision paid off I guess!

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