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Middle of winter at 4:47am tomorrow, so technically we’ll be on our way towards summer again, yay!   Emphasis on technically, ’cause we all know we’re stuck with the cold, windy drizzle for a while yet.  All through the year, basically. Love it. 🙂 🙂 :)  Here’s a list of things I’d fill my ideal rainy day with!  Things not involving Netflix, Netflix and chill, or going outside.



Bake.  You don’t want to be leaving the house for snacks when it’s chucking it down.  Make your own!  Doesn’t have to be anything fancy – these simple scones were soooo good.  Make a ‘thing’ of afternoon too, that’s always a good idea come rain or shine.


Make something.  In my case, I’d probably knit something, but whatever floats your boat.  Everyone needs a hobby they can do mindlessly at home to make productive use of time in front of the TV!  I can’t remember being bored because I’d always have a project on the go.  You can teach yourself pretty much anything from YouTube – might even uncover a talent or 6.  Having a finished product (however basic) at the end of it is so satisfying!


Read a magazine.  Really coming out with some groundbreaking stuff tonight aren’t I?  I hardly ever buy magazines these days though so it it kind of a novelty.  Sometimes it’s nice to flick through actual pages, however die-hard a Pinterest fan you are.  Some of the cheaper magazines can actually be pretty good too I’ve found, so no need to splash out a fiver on Vogue for a quick browse!


Make your space feel cosy.  Read: light candles.  Might as well embrace indoorsyness!

Drink something milky.  Ovaltine is my recent discovery and current fave.  Once you’ve made your place all inviting all you need is an ultimate warm belly drink.

Consider starting a blog, if you haven’t already.  I’d highly recommend it!  Don’t bother faffing around choosing a layout and struggling to think of a name for ages, just thrash out a few quick posts in Word to see if you like it.  Even if you don’t think you enjoy writing you might be surprised.  Send me a link if you do try it!

lily kate x

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  • Reply
    Bash Harry
    22nd December 2015 at 3:57 am

    Knitting is the best hobby ever! I think it’s great to curl up somewhere and just knit. I could, and did, do that for hours on end without doing anything else. It’s the best <3

    xx Bash | Hey Bash | bloglovin’


    • Reply
      lily kate
      22nd December 2015 at 7:58 pm

      Bash knows!!! I’d usually knit whilst mindlessly doing something else too!

  • Reply
    22nd December 2015 at 5:07 pm

    Hey there! Love your photos! Made me want to snuggle on the couch with some just-out-of-the-oven biscuits! 🙂 (and who needs somebody to snuggle with when you start collecting pillows, haha!)

    We are having a very sunny December here, it’s so warm you can get rid of your coat and scarf and gloves and whatsoever during the day! Which actually makes me sad, considering that I own more scarves and sweaters than anything else… #firstknitterproblem
    But since evenings still get chilly, I can go all about Christmas spirit with a candle or two, pouring myself some spicy tea (but since I ended up purchasing a coffee pot, “café au lait” (doesn’t that sound fancy!) might turn out to be my #1 fall 2015 addiction haha), grabbing any WIP (let’s all admit we crafty people have closets full of WIPs haha) and watching some series or movie! I love having sme dim lights when I hang out at home, or otherwise I like to go to that tea house which features cosy lights and thrifted comfy furniture!
    Anyway, enogh of chitchat, I’m off to buy some butter so I can bake some scones or anything I can dip into hot chocolate!

    Have a wonderful end of December with friends and family, I hope you’ll get to enjoy a bunch of fancy presents! 😉
    Love, Clothilde xx

    • Reply
      lily kate
      22nd December 2015 at 8:07 pm

      Yayy I’m glad you liked them! Photography has been so difficult lately with it being so dark – very jealous of your sunny December! At least I’m getting to enjoy all the hats and scarves haha 😀
      Café au lait sounds very fancy and very lovely! Much more so than my Ovaltine haha. I feel you on the WIP situation – I don’t even know what half mine are anymore!
      Can I please join you in a cute tea house with cosy lights and furniture? 😀
      Hope you have a happy Christmas too full of family and friends and lovely presents!

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