I think I can safely say that a population has never more glad to see the back end of a year. 2016 will be one for the history books, that’s for sure! There’s a hell of a lot of pressure on 2017 to be a good one now and I’m worried what meltdowns will occur if it isn’t. Personally 2016’s been a pretty mixed bag, but overall a good one. Sadly I can’t influence any global travesties, but I am going to make 2017 as good a year for myself and those around me as I possibly can.
Better set some goals then hadn’t I. :) I’m well aware that writing a New Year goals post is about as imaginative an idea as putting butter on toast, but why not. Rather than setting wishy washy ones like I did this year, I thought I’d set actual achievable goals that I can (hopefully) tick off a list. You know me and my lists. Without further ado!
Personal Goals
— Dish out more compliments. I’m not shy about going up to strangers to tell them I like their shoes but I’m going to make an effort to do it more often, because I know how much of a smile it can put on your face.
— Be OK with having bad days. Sometimes sh*t days just happen and that is that. Accept it and do not overanalyse it. That is a resolution.
— Turn acquaintances into friends. There are loads of people who I see around regularly but never actually arrange to see… time to change that!
— Keep 100% on top of uni work. Goal is to hand in all assignments in enough time not to stress, so let’s hope! Possibly wishful thinking but I’d like make the most of the fact that my first year has lots of assignments and only 2 exams so I can take my time to get it right. I know I only need 40% to pass my first year but I’d rather have a decent clearance!
— Keep my bedroom tidy. This one is basically a joke goal that I’m not even going to call a resolution. Lol.
Tbh the main way to achieve every single one of these goals would be learning to STOP FRICKIN PROCRASTINATING, but the day I succeed at that will be a very special day.  Tips please! I read something in a magazine about why we should focus on monotasking not multitasking, and I think I need to adopt that idea. My life = trying to do 3 things at once and achieving none of them.
Blog Goals
— Explore more ‘life’ topics in depth.  I’m sure there’s a better description than ‘life topics’ but hopefully you know the ones I mean! The conversation starter type that people can hopefully relate to and feel good to get off your chest. I’d like to be more raw and open in 2017. And reassure more people that ‘it’s not just me!’.
— Crack Pinterest for blog traffic. For the love of God why isn’t this as easy as the articles make out it is? I must be missing something.
— Improve my photography so that I’m 100% happy with every post.  Right now I’m really proud of and some but think I could have done better with others, so I’d like to be more selective and careful.
— Be more consistent with social media and blog posts. C’mon Lily get your act together! Sometimes I unintentionally drop off the radar (usually on twitter) so I’m gonna try to sort that.
— Expand and improve my YouTube channel. I actually managed to upload more this year and I’m pretty happy with my videos so far, but I want to up my filming and editing game in 2017 now my life’s a bit more accommodating of it. This lucky gal received an action camera for Christmas so should be able to! Although I’d also like to do more chatty sitdown videos. Bit of a running theme of ‘do more more more’ to these goals isn’t there?
Fitness Goals
Manage pullups. I’m pretty sure this one’s been on a goals list at least once before but oh well, I’ll keep trying! Fitness wise I’m not interested in changing size, but I am interested in keeping lean and being able to do more with my body. I’ll shamefully admit that I can’t actually do any pullups atm (sob) so I’m working on it until I get there!
Hold a 4 minute plank. If I could do this when I was 15, then no excuses now! I’m out of plank-practice so have started adding them back into my routine and slowly building up the time. 4 minutes should kill my abs nicely.
Run 5k in under 30 minutes. My ParkRun times back in summer were all around 31 minutes, so hopefully this is achievable if I pound the pavements enough.
Travel goals
Go on at least 2 more solo trips. Taking my first solo trip was one of the best things I did this year, and I can’t wait for more! Although I barely felt like I went alone because I met people anyway, but still.
Take trips further afield. I visited a bunch of new countries in Europe this year, but next year I want to go further! Not that Europe is same-y and there are a whole bunch of places I’m desperate to see anyway, but the more new experiences the better. Let’s actually get some passport stamps finally!
I think that should be enough to be getting on with. :)Â Are any of your 2017 goals similar to mine?
lily kate x
follow me on bloglovin | twitter | instagram | youtube | facebook | linkedIn | email me
30th December 2016 at 1:25 pmI can be guilty of not being consistent with my blog and twitter etc so I would definitely like that to change next year x
Lily Kate France
30th December 2016 at 8:04 pmI think we all have our good weeks and bad weeks!
30th December 2016 at 3:37 pmLove these! Especially being okay with your bad days, it’s so easy to get wrapped up in a world of ‘perfect’ social media!
The Little Things | Louise x
Lily Kate France
30th December 2016 at 8:07 pmThanks Louise! I’m just gonna accept that they happen and usually only last a day!
31st December 2016 at 5:05 pmThis is a great list of goals! I have one and one only this year – to not give a f*ck about everything quite so much (I’m hoping this will lower my stress levels ahaha). Doesn’t quite deserve a post written about it though :p happy New Year!! xxx
Lucy @ La Lingua | Life, Travel, Italy
lily kate
1st January 2017 at 1:33 pmThank you Lucy! What a fabulous goal hehe, onwards and upwards! Happy New Year 😀
31st December 2016 at 9:10 pmI discovered your post by searching “new year” on bloglovin’. I totally relate with the goal (I don’t have a blog but the other one). You seem lovely!
Happy new year xx
lily kate
1st January 2017 at 2:34 pmYay I’m so glad you found and like my blog! I think we all make pretty similar goals, can help each other out 😀 Thank you!
Bash Harry
2nd January 2017 at 8:26 amYou’re fitness goals, Lily, I swear to gosh, I would love to have your motivation. I can’t even hold a 1 minute plank! I wish I am able to go for a few solo trips. The closest I’ve done is traveling to London and going back to Brunei. Haha <3
Lily Kate France
6th January 2017 at 12:25 pmYou can do it Bash! Plank every day and you’ll get there!
You’ve moved countries on your own, that’s wayyy more brave!