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7 In fashion/ lifestyle

two in tartan

I realised the lifestyle section of my blog had become a little neglected recently, so here’s a few snaps of my day now we’re free from school for a week!
winkley-square-prestonAnd no we didn’t plan our outfits to match!  Maybe telepathy told us to wear tartan and black tights and oversize jackets. Or maybe tartan is just inevitable.

Georgie’s outfit: River Island boots, New Look skirt, Topshop shirt, H&M coat.

My outfit: Primark cropped top, socks and shoes, Topshop pinafore and bag (borrowed from my mum) and handknit cardigan.

Whilst this may be it’s debut on the internet, this cardigan is by no means a new piece.  My great-nana’s dear friend Olive knitted it for my mum around 1993, although you wouldn’t guess it was over a year old.  Anytime I’m struggling for an extra layer to keep me cosy, this treasure comes to the rescue.  The neutral colour and oversize shape literally goes with everything, no joke.  And it’s still perfectly on trend 20 years later!

spinning-cosy-cardiganTwirling down the street is far superior to walking when wearing a spinny skirt.  Anything else would be a waste 😉

You’d think I’d have noticed that my pinafore was twisted near enough sideways, but no.  That would be far too professional of me!  We can pretend right?
smiling-blondeI looooove Georgie’s natural curls but straight is so pretty too!
moka-express-veggie-wrap-smoothieHad a yummy lunch at Moka Express.
taking-picture-of-froyoNow that Preston has finally cottoned on to the frozen yoghurt trend, I can’t resist taking everyone I know on a Froyo date.  Along with the obligatory instagramming as you can see.
frozen-yoghurt-prestonAt Yogyums your chosen flavour and size of yoghurt comes with unlimited toppings so is a really great deal. And the staff are lovely and chatty too, which always makes for a nice atmosphere.  Come to think of it, this is probably the most important thing for me when it comes to my favourite places; besides super nommy food, a friendly, sociable ambience will definitely have me making use of a loyalty card!
last-manNow who is this guy might you ask? Good question haha!  He randomly asked to join in my photos the other day, which I find hilarious.  Especially since this wasn’t the first time complete strangers have asked for a cameo!  He asked for a tag on facebook but I can’t find his profile, so ‘Last Man’, if you’re out there, hi 🙂 Anyone else get this when taking outfit shots?

On another note, I’m being all proud girl-friendy and sharing Dan’s latest cover video here.  Have a look!

lily x


  • Reply
    29th October 2013 at 1:21 am

    Yogyums looks delicious I want one !!! Love the pinafore too. I used to live near Preston before I moved !!

    Rayofglitter xx


  • Reply
    Kylie M-W
    29th October 2013 at 3:32 am

    Gorgeous photos as always, Lily! Froyo is great, isn’t it?

    I don’t often comment but I had to today because I thought it was funny how fitting Dan’s cover was… I’ve been obsessed with that song this week!

  • Reply
    29th October 2013 at 11:38 am

    You’re both so pretty and I love both the outfits! Could I ask where your beige coat/cardi is from, its lovely!x


  • Reply
    Alice Evans
    29th October 2013 at 11:59 am

    I love both your outfits! So goregous 🙂 x


  • Reply
    29th October 2013 at 4:57 pm

    OMG! A great pick with the tartan crop and thanks for the comments btw 🙂
    I have never to this day had a stranger ask to be photographed but maybe this could be your unique post idea. A stanger every so often haha.
    And my bro takes my pictures 🙂



  • Reply
    31st October 2013 at 10:55 pm

    Both outfits are great. Can’t say I’ve had a stranger want to join my photos… Maybe one day 🙂

  • Reply
    leafy tones | behind the scenes photoshoot | OOTD joli house
    17th November 2013 at 5:25 pm

    […] ‘The big cardigan‘ makes an appearance once again […]

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