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12 In fashion/ writing challenge

november writing challenge | day 17 | guilty pleasures


Just about the most rushed outfit shots ever – my train was due 5 minutes later and silly me hadn’t checked from which platform. You can’t really tell from these rushed shots, but Preston train station is actually pretty photogenic!  Lead in lines everywhere.  I really like the big old style, even if it does seem impossibly huge when I’m sprinting through the underpass haha. If there’s a chance I’ll make the earlier train (or just the one I was aiming for), I’m at least gonna try!  That wasn’t my train in the background btw… I’m not that bad…


coat, shoes and shorts: Topshop | jumper and tights: Primark

I’ve loved these shorts for years but don’t think they’ve been blogged before; I remember wearing them with blue tights and an owl tshirt but thought I’d tone down the quirkiness for now. As always, to fit over my hips/bum they’re too big around the waist and I haven’t gotten round to working this trick on them yet, so awkward belt it is.  Of course it’s time to bring out the Primark fleecy black opaques too, wonder that they are!  My wool coat is my go-to option for looking kinda ‘put-together’ (ish) without really making an effort; somehow the length does that! You know when putting on a certain kind of outfit makes you feel a certain way? This coat is a ‘confident’ one, if you get me.


Was tucking my jumper in here, not hoiking my shorts up!  Far too ladylike to do that in public of course.  (Who am I kidding?)


Writing challenge time!
“What’s your guilty pleasure?”
What is it with these difficult questions! I’m not one for guilty pleasures tbh; I’m a pretty open person and don’t tend to hide what I enjoy!
Food: strawberry laces, strawbs… basically any novelty shaped gummy thing that’s no doubt full of crap. ‘A few’ is never enough.
Crush: ermmm probably Ashton from 5SOS hahaha! The blondies ey…
TV: used to be Made In Chelsea but I barely watch anything at all any more. Not even exaggerating.
Music: Taylor Swift’s latest! Hers aren’t always my favourites but everyone likes that one. And the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate… Stuck in my head for the next few hours now! Sooo catchy and the lyrics are actually fabulous. Don’t even pretend not to like it.

Tell me your guilty pleasures!

lily kate x


  • Reply
    17th November 2014 at 10:02 pm

    I love the coat and the shorts.

    I think my guilty pleasure has to be cheese and wine. Sometimes I even have them together. It’s pretty doom.

    Just wanted to let you know that I got up at 6am to work out before work, inspired by you. Let’s see how long I keep this up 😉

    Corinne x

    • Reply
      lily kate
      17th November 2014 at 10:05 pm

      Ohh I’m with you on that one too! ;D
      Yay go you! How did it go? I’m cheering you on!

      • Reply
        18th November 2014 at 8:03 pm

        It was good! I’m going to do it again for sure. Debating weather to do it tomorrow but I have to set off for work at 6:15am so I’m not sure. It just felt so good having the workout done so I knew I wouldn’t have to tackle it when I got home!

        • Reply
          lily kate
          19th November 2014 at 2:34 pm

          Oh there’s no way I’d be able to manage it if I had to be out the house by 6:15! It’s s satisfying isn’t it, knowing you can sit around in the evening and not feel guilty that you should do some exercise!

  • Reply
    17th November 2014 at 11:10 pm

    For being rushed, you look absolutely stunning! You’re a natural model.
    My guilty pleasure has to be ice cream & french fries. My absolute two favorite foods that are completely unhealthy!
    I also love reality TV from time to time. We used to have Made in Chelsea here in the U.S. but the network it was on got cut. I used to love watching it though- I wish I still could :/

    from the desk of j

    • Reply
      lily kate
      19th November 2014 at 2:24 pm

      Thank you so much Jenny!
      Omg I love those too. Can’t beat a McDonalds sometimes can you?
      Have you tried watching it on 4oD? 😛

  • Reply
    18th November 2014 at 10:15 am

    My guilty pleasure is definitely watching TV shows. Too bad I don’t have any time (or a strong enough wi-fi connection) for that anymore.

    P.S. You look stunning!

    • Reply
      lily kate
      19th November 2014 at 2:25 pm

      Lack of wifi is just the worst!
      Thank you Sandra!

  • Reply
    19th November 2014 at 12:53 am

    I love your coat! And the shorts. And… okay, I just kind of want this whole outfit.

    My guilty pleasure foods are snacks that are very salty or very sweet, like mini pretzels and fruity candy. And I’m with you on the Taylor Swift. I bought the whole album. 😛

    (Btw, I’ve commented on here before with the “my website” link set to the youtube channel my friend and I do, but I just started a blog today, so my name should link to that now. I’m pretty excited about it haha.)

    • Reply
      lily kate
      19th November 2014 at 2:35 pm

      Aw thanks Rebecca! They’re all some of my fave pieces 😀
      I’m with you on those too! Anything full of rubbish 😀
      I’ll check out your blog for sure! Looking forward to reading 🙂

  • Reply
    Matthew Pike
    19th November 2014 at 8:57 am

    you managed to make Preston Train Station look glamourous. Not to much when you’re waiting for your train home and 10:30 on Friday night!

    Buckets & Spades

    • Reply
      lily kate
      19th November 2014 at 2:38 pm

      Oh I know it isn’t haha! This was 9:45 on a Sunday morning, with nice lighting and fairly few people. Saturday afternoons/evenings, not so much. 😛

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