Merry Christmas Eve my lovelies! I’m writing this from the comfort of the sofa I’ve been welded to for the last couple of hours, the fire is on, family are round, Harry Potter is on the telly (Home Alone 2 has already finished) and much chocolate and biscuits have been eaten. It’s rather too idyllic so I’m pretty sure something will go wrong soon. Oh and I haven’t even finished my wrapping… but as long as it’s done before tomorrow morning, that’s all that matters!
Since I’m only half tuned into catching Hermione throw shade in The Philosophers Stone (I forgot quite how sassy that young lady was), I thought now might not be a bad time to throw together a little thank you post. I’ll keep it short and sweet because I’m sure you have better things to do than read my blog, but just on the off chance that you’re cruising and fancy a read!
Obviously first has gotta be my fam, because I couldn’t ask for a better one. Nope mine are the best, no ifs no buts. They’re always, always there for me and just ‘get me’ and help me out in whatever way possible and I’m a v. lucky gal. Be it 5am airport drop-offs a 4 hour drive away or calming me down in the middle of a mad panic when everything seems to be going wrong, I have good people to sort me out!
Thanks to the new friends I’ve only met this year but have proven themselves to be good’ens already. 2016 has brought quite a few people in and out of my life, but I’ve definitely picked up a few that I want to keep tight hold of. (Non-creepy I promise lol)
A whopping great big thank you to the blog readers old and new – the names who pop up in the comments over and over who miraculously haven’t got bored of me yet (I feel like I know you even if we’ve never met, it’s great!) and the new names who maybe have only just stumbled across here now. Thank you, too!
Also, thank you to the silent appreciators, because it isn’t all about the comments and whatnot. A couple of you have messaged me to say you enjoy my posts and read every single one, and believe me when I say that puts one rather large smile on my face! You know who you are 🙂
Thank you to the old friends, the ones who it doesn’t matter how much time passes because we can just pick up where we left off. Love you long time.
Thank you to every stranger who’s taken the time to give me a hand, complement me (for this reason I’ve made the effort to compliment more strangers this year!), or just chat to me. I wish the world didn’t give us so many reasons to be afraid of strangers.
Thanks (and apologies) to whoever has had to attend to me in a drunken state in 2016. You da best. <3
Thanks to all the brands who have worked with me, be it sending me pretty dresses to prance around in (this one’s Jones and Jones, of course!), offering me travel opportunities, or just sending me cool stuff to try out.
Thank you to the teachers who got me through the stress that was A levels, which feel like a LONG time ago but managed to take over my life for a good few months.
So yes, in summary, thank you! Now it’s time for Christmas Eve pyjamas (new ones, as per tradition), new magazines (also as per tradition) and prosecco. Just because 🙂
Merry Christmas!
lily kate x
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1 Comment
26th December 2016 at 12:13 pmWhat a lovely post, merry Christmas!! I hope you’ve had a great one xxx
Lucy @ La Lingua | Life, Travel, Italy